John --
Good afternoon and welcome to our Weekend Update.
I want to take this opportunity to wish my father a Happy Father’s
Day. My dad, Stan Meuser, is a retired police detective who taught me
so much about the importance of honor and respect, guiding principles
that I have passed on to my children. Being a father is the best role
in my life. I want to wish everyone a Happy Father’s Day.

First, I would like to address Governor Tom Wolf’s decision to
reopen every county in the state starting next Friday… except for
Lebanon County. This decision is so incredibly harmful to the families
and small business owners who reside there.
While the Covid-19 pandemic was unprecedented and brought unique
challenges, it was an opportunity for leaders to lead. I have said
before I believe Governor Wolf’s decisions created a system where
certain businesses, mostly big box stores, were allowed to operate
during the pandemic. Meanwhile, the small business owners across the
Commonwealth were left to suffer, with many forced to decide to close
or risk defying the Governor’s order. Rather than talk at the public
and private industry, we should have open lines of communications
available so we can help small businesses open in a safe manner.
Lebanon County is a great county. Unfortunately, small businesses
will be unjustly hurt as residents travel to nearby counties who have
been reopened for goods and services. Are we really to believe that
the 1.58 million residents living in 147 square miles in Philadelphia
are safer from Covid-19 than the 142 thousand folks residing in the
362 square miles of Lebanon County? This decision was wrong and will
be incredibly harmful to the families and small businesses in the
county. I urge Governor Wolf to reconsider this decision, reevaluate
the county this week and allow them to open on Friday with the rest of
the Commonwealth.
We did forward data to the Governor's office to support a reopening
of Lebanon County for his review.
In other news, I introduced H.R. 7231, the Infrastructure Bank for
America Act of 2020, a bill to support wholesale lending to
infrastructure projects through state and local governments, state
infrastructure banks and private entities. America’s infrastructure is
in critical need of modernization. Although there is bipartisan
consensus on this issue, the sheer magnitude of needed investment
exceeds the budget and borrowing capacity of states and the federal
government. The Infrastructure Bank for America would serve as a
significant supplement to existing funding sources through private
investment that would increase access to capital for worthy
infrastructure projects across the nation, without putting the burden
on taxpayers. This new mechanism will help to safely rebuild America
and strengthen our economic competitiveness with the rest of the

We attended an Education and Labor Committee Hearing where we
discussed federal support for education. Later, I attended a call with
China Task Force Chairman Michael McCaul and Conference Chair for a
China Task Force briefing. On Tuesday, we conducted a Budget Committee
meeting with Congressional Budget Office Director Phillip Swagel.
Later, I conducted an interview with the Morning Call
regarding police reform bills. Click
here to read the story and my comments. I attended a
reception for Maggie’s List with our RNC Committeewoman Christine
Toretti. Maggie’s List is an organization that works to increase the
number of conservative women elected to federal public office.
On Thursday, I traveled back to northeastern Pennsylvania for
an event with U.S Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. I was
pleased to welcome Secretary Wilbur Ross for a meeting with members of
the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce. As the nation begins an
economic recovery, we must provide data-based guidance so our schools
and businesses can safely reopen. Thank you to the Trump
Administration for building a great national economy and leading a
Great American Comeback. Click
here for a story on the Secretary’s visit.
(Pictured with Wilkes-Barre Mayor George Brown, Greater
Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Wico van Genderen,
Secretary Ross, and Luzerne County Manager C. David

On Friday, I taped a segment for Face the State on CBS-21 that will
air on Sunday morning at 8:30 am to discuss police reform, reopening
the economy and the infrastructure bank for America. Typically, this
interview would have been conducted by Robb Hanrahan who is an
excellent reporter and a great guy. Sadly, Robb suffered a heart
attack this week and is currently hospitalized in intensive care. I
would ask everyone to join Shelley and me in sending their thoughts
and prayers to Robb and his family along with best wishes for his
Later, I attended the Pennsylvania State Shotgunning Association
State Shoot Event in Elysburg. I was joined by State Senator John
Gordner and State Representative Kurt Masser.
Americans are ready to get back to work.
- Today, fewer than 6 percent of Americans tested each week are
found to have the Coronavirus. Daily average case rates continue to
fall, and all 50 states have begun reopening in a safe and responsible
- Small businesses are leading this comeback. During the height of
the pandemic, more than 80 percent of them were forced to close
temporarily as Americans helped slow the spread of COVID-19. To help
these companies recover and avoid bankruptcy, state leaders must
continue to follow President Trump’s Guidelines for Opening Up America
- Endless lockdowns are not an option.
- The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), signed into law by
President Trump in March and replenished in April, has sustained
millions of small businesses and protected their employees during the
pandemic. The President approved more than $670 billion for the PPP,
along with $60 billion for the SBA’s Disaster Loan Program.
- Vice President Mike Pence, head of the White House’s Coronavirus
Task Force, traveled to Iowa earlier this week and visited Michigan
today, where he toured two manufacturing companies. In May, the
American manufacturing sector created 225,000 new jobs—part of the
record-breaking 2.5 million jobs added last month.
As we continue our economic recovery, it’s vital that we work
together, get people back to work, and protect our most vulnerable
Working Americans stepped up when the Coronavirus struck, staying
home to help slow the spread of disease, often making deep personal
sacrifices. American families aren’t asking for much… they just want a
chance to get back to work and provide for their families.
President Trump hears them. Congressional Republicans hear
them. It’s time to safely reopen America for
Today, I attended the Luzerne County Victory Office opening. It was
a gathering that was attended by dozens of volunteers and PAGOP
Chairman Lawrence Tabas. I want to commend Luzerne County chair Justin
Behrens who did a great job with today's Luzerne County Republican
Headquarters Opening.

Have a great weekend, stay safe and we will see you soon.

Dan Meuser