The American economy surged in May, defying predictions from economists. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2.5 million jobs were added to the economy in May. Economists had predicted that we would lose approximately 7.5 million jobs, which would have raised the unemployment rate up to almost 20 percent. But rather than go up, the unemployment rate actually went down to 13.3 percent. Former Vice President Joe Biden had a speech on the economy planned for last Friday – the same day the jobs report came out. Biden was planning to use the report to attack President Trump. However, after the May jobs numbers were released and turned out to be all good news, Biden delayed his speech for a long time and ended up delivering a mishmash or messy talking
points. |
As we have said before, President Trump is without a doubt the jobs president. He built the economy up once to record heights, and he is on the path to do just that again. Our economy is starting to soar once more, and the sky is the limit. It’s sad that Joe Biden was seemingly hoping for bad news for America just so he could use it to attack President Trump. That plan obviously backfired in an embarrassing moment for Sleepy Joe. If you need any reason to vote for President Trump this November, here it is. He is building America up bigger and stronger than ever before. |
Joe Biden Attacks Americans: Last Thursday, former Vice President Joe Biden stated that “10 to 15 percent” of Americans are “not very good people.” It appears that Sleepy Joe just had his “basket of deplorables” moment. The American people didn’t tolerate this type of disgusting condescension when Hillary Clinton said it, and they won’t take it from Biden either. Of course, Biden has been a gaffe machine recently. Last month, he stated that if black Americans are considering voting for President Trump, then they “ain’t black.” That same day, Joe Biden said that he “was going to beat Joe Biden.” |
Let’s be honest. Joe Biden was just telling the American people what he thinks of them. Similar to how Hillary Clinton believed that President Trump’s voters were “deplorable,” Uncle Joe is looking down on good Americans. His comment toward African Americans was very similar. He honestly believes that African Americans owe it to him to vote for him in the election. Biden is right on one thing. Joe Biden is on the path to “beat Joe Biden” this November. He is working hard to re-elect President Trump. |
“Defund the Police”: After almost two weeks of protests in the wake of the tragic circumstances surrounding George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, many on the far-left are now calling to defund the police. A large constituency of the Democratic Party is demanding that the police be defunded and eliminated throughout the country. Many of these Democrats think that social workers can take the place of the police. The Minneapolis City Council has already voted with a veto-proof majority to dismantle the city’s police department. Bumbling, far-left NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio also plans to slash the budget of his city’s police department. While Joe Biden recently said that he does not support defunding the police, his party appears to
be more than willing to cripple this nation’s law enforcement. |
With how far to the left the Democratic Party has moved in recent years, it should unfortunately come as no surprise that they are now proposing that Americans live without the protection of the police. Social workers cannot replace police. This nation’s law enforcement keeps us safe and secure. Without them, violent criminals will run rampant with no repercussions. All of the work to lower crime rates across the country will be undone. “Defund the police” is not only dangerous, but also outright ridiculous. The worst part is that Democrats in America’s large cities like Minneapolis and New York City are falling in line. Once again, President Trump is the only person standing between us and the lunacy of the modern Democratic Party. |
POTUS on the Road Again: With the coronavirus curve flattened, President Trump reportedly plans to start holding campaign rallies again by the end of the month. The president thrives at connecting with the American people, and he has repeatedly said that he is eager to be in front of crowds of Americans soon. In addition, the president will be visiting Texas for a fundraiser tomorrow, and then will be traveling to New Jersey on Saturday for another fundraiser. With about four and a half months to go, the presidential campaign is entering the final sprint and President Trump is going to be crisscrossing America on his march to re-election.
President Trump is truly the people’s president. The president’s ability to relate with the American people is unmatched and will be on full display again soon. While Joe Biden has spent the last three months in his basement, President Trump has been building up a juggernaut of a campaign capable of sweeping the nation once again and carrying the president to victory. I am glad to see life returning to normal and am honored to have formally joined the Trump Campaign as Strategic Advisor for Coalitions. |
Paycheck Protection Program Update: On Friday, President Trump signed the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act into law – updating the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Now, small businesses only need to spend 60 percent rather than 75 percent of their loans on payroll, in order for those loans to be forgiven. The amount that can be spent on utilities and other expenses was increased from 25 percent to 40 percent. Small businesses also now have 24 weeks to spend the loans, up from the previous two-month window. So far, more than $510 billion have been loaned to small businesses across the country in order to keep them alive through the PPP, and the program has helped approximately 50 million people keep their jobs. |
The Paycheck Protection Program is a major reason the economy was able to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly 4.5 million loans were given to small business, likely saving numerous sectors of the economy. President Trump made the right decision by pushing Congress to pass the PPP, extend the PPP, and now update the PPP to serve the needs of our businesses. The president’s pro-growth policies before the pandemic cushioned the economy so that it could handle the crisis as well as it did, and he acted quickly as the pandemic hit America to save as many lives and jobs as possible. President Trump built the economy up once and is now doing it again. Just imagine where America will be in four years with a second term for President Trump! |