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On Saturday, President Trump will be holding a rally in Oklahoma – the first since the coronavirus pandemic shut down America. President Trump has masterfully used rallies as an avenue to speak directly with the American people and will now start doing so once again as the country continues to reopen. On Monday, President Trump announced on Twitter that nearly one million people had signed up to attend the event so far, possibly making this the president’s most popular rally yet. Look for this rally in Oklahoma to be a launching pad as President Trump begins to consistently travel around the country heading into the November election. 
President Trump’s decision to hold rallies again shows strong leadership for the nation. We have lived in fear of the coronavirus for the past three months, but the curve has been flattened. President Trump is taking charge in showing that America is ready to open back up. If Democrats had their way, our economy would be closed until the end of the year, if not longer. As I mentioned in a recent op-ed, it’s a political game to Democrats. They’re fine with protests filled with thousands of people but shudder at the thought of America opening back up for business. Americans are sick of the left’s games and are ready to get back to work. They want to live their lives again. President Trump realizes this and is leading the nation by example in doing just that. 
Executive Order on Police Reform: Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order on police reform – accomplishing in 40 minutes what Joe Biden couldn’t do in over 40 years in Washington D.C. In response to George Floyd’s tragic death several weeks ago, there has been a widespread call for a response. The president listened. The executive order offers federal incentives to local police departments that meet certain standards for de-escalation training, which includes discouraging the use of chokeholds out in the field. The EO also incentivizes police departments to send mental health experts as co-responders with officers as they respond to calls. Importantly, the federal government will now create a database to keep a record of officer misconduct. Of course, President Trump clearly reiterated his deep support for our men and women in blue during the signing ceremony yesterday. 
The president is enacting real change in law enforcement to ensure that everyone feels safe moving forward. No law abiding American should be scared of the police – who serve as the defenders of law, order, and prosperity. Unfortunately, President Trump is the only candidate attempting to unify the nation. Former Vice President Joe Biden has shamefully tried to politicize the division within our nation to benefit himself politically. Biden has been a creature of D.C. for more than 40 years and served as vice president of this nation for eight of those years. He had more than enough time to enact real police reform but failed to deliver. Once again, President Trump is having to clean up the mess that Joe Biden left behind.
Joe Biden’s Disasters: Presumptive Democratic nominee former Vice President Joe Biden finally decided to leave his basement safe space and gingerly hit the campaign trail in the last week, but that may have been his biggest mistake yet. Last Thursday, Biden held a roundtable in Philadelphia in his attempt to appeal to a swing state that President Trump won in 2016. However, Sleepy Joe stumbled throughout the entire event, struggling to coherently string two sentences together. He got lost reading his notes at one point until he finally admitted “I don’t know.” He then later stated, “[President Trump] is going down to Texas on Juneteenth, right? The first major massacre ... of the Black Wall Street, right?" President Trump never intended to visit Texas on Juneteenth, and the holiday itself is based on the emancipation of slaves. Further, the terrible racist massacre Biden referenced took place in Oklahoma – not Texas.    
If Joe Biden can’t do any better than this, he needs to drop out of the race before he has to debate President Trump face to face. If Uncle Joe gets confused or mentally checks out during a debate, game over. President Trump will eat him alive. At this point, Biden is an embarrassment to his party and to the nation as one of the leading contenders for the presidency. At this point, one has to wonder - will Joe Biden really continue to run his campaign out of his basement heading into the general election? He certainly can’t risk making more appearances as terrible as this roundtable. 
Great American Comeback: The “Great American Comeback” continues as the economy managed to shock economists once again. Retail sales surged by almost 18 percent in May, according to a new report from the Commerce Department released yesterday. The numbers represent the largest monthly increase for retail sales in the nation’s history and are more than twice what economists had predicted. The good news should come as no surprise. Approximately 2.5 million jobs were also added to the economy last month, which is another historic record.  
 The economy’s rocket ship rebound from the pandemic shutdown should make good sense to anyone who has been paying attention over the last three plus years. President Trump has defied expectations time and time again – even when the odds were seemingly stacked against him. The president’s pro-growth policies built the economy up to historic heights once before and that looks to be happening again, and much sooner than expected. If you need another reason to vote for President Trump this November, look no further than how quickly the economy is rebounding after being shut down for three months. 
Antifa Conquers Seattle: Over the course of the last week, Antifa and other far-left anarchist groups actually took over and conquered a six-block area in Seattle amid the riots occurring across the nation. They called the landmass the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” or CHAZ for short. They have controlled the area with a tyrannical grip and have used force to quell any potential troublemakers. This CHAZ includes a police precinct, apartments, and businesses. There have even been reports of business owners in CHAZ being extorted to remain open. Meanwhile, Washington State and Seattle officials have refused to take action. In fact, rather than bring safety back to the streets, Seattle officials simply made an “agreement” with CHAZ in order to reduce the number of blocks they control, according to Fox News.  
It’s a shame that this nation’s Democratic elected officials won’t act to protect their own residents. How does a city lose control of six blocks to a group of anarchists? And it gets worse. When President Trump called Washington and Seattle out for lack of leadership in dealing with the situation, Seattle’s far-left Democratic Mayor Jenny Durkan attacked President Trump and defended the thugs that have taken over part of her city. She even said CHAZ had a “block party atmosphere.” In addition to that, many in the mainstream media have praised the anarchists, comparing them to saints who have created some type of utopia. Democrats and their friends in the mainstream media have moved so far left that they think taking over part of a city in the name of “justice” is perfectly fine. This is yet another reason we must re-elect President Trump this November. 
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