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Breakfast with Boris
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Last week, George Floyd, an African American man, died in Minneapolis after a police officer held him down on the ground by placing a knee on his neck for almost nine minutes. The tragedy was caught on camera and has rightfully attracted nationwide horror and indignation. Many Americans understandably decided to march in silent protest against such unspeakable brutality. Unfortunately, some so-called “protesters,” together with Antifa and other far-left anarchist groups, have used the nation’s sorrow as an opportunity to burn cities to the ground, viciously assault and kill innocent Americans as well as the officers trying to defend them, and to loot the businesses that provide for our communities. For several days, state and local leaders failed to protect their residents from the looters and rioters trying to destroy their livelihoods. In response, President Trump has acted decisively over the last few days to stand up for America and put an end to this reign of terror. The president ordered the Department of Justice to open a civil rights investigation into the death of George Floyd and announced that he will be designating Antifa as a terrorist group. In a speech from the Rose Garden on Monday, President Trump called for the end to hate and anger while assuring Americans that our best days are in the future. The president promised to restore law and order by deploying the military into Washington, D.C. and any other areas of unrest. After the address, President Trump had the rioters cleared from around the White House and walked to St. John’s Church, which the rioters had set on fire the night before. 
President Trump is doing everything in his power to ensure that George Floyd’s family receives justice while ensuring that looters and rioters are swiftly dealt with. Antifa has terrorized innocent Americans for many years at this point, and President Trump gave local leaders plenty of time to deal with the issue first before taking matters into his own hands. Throughout his 2016 campaign, President Trump promised to be the law and order president, and that is exactly what he’s doing. It’s unfortunate that the media spent the last week either ignoring the violence caused by the far-left or even trying to prove their innocence while we have seen their evil actions with our own eyes. Then, many in the media cynically vilified the president for making the decision to protect Americans from rioters committing actual acts of domestic terrorism and for honoring a historic church in Washington, D.C. that had been burned. But what can we say? That’s the state of most of the media in 2020. 
America Returns to Space: On Saturday, SpaceX and NASA launched astronauts into space in an event that was historic in more ways than one. This was the first rocket launch with a crew to reach space from American soil since 2011 and also the first time ever that a private business launched people into space. SpaceX built the rocket and NASA sent the two astronauts in a public-private partnership. So far, the mission has been a success, with the rocket docking at the International Space Station less than a day after launch. 
American ingenuity knows no bounds, and this is a great achievement for the United States in the global space race. With our own capability to return to space restored, we no longer have to rely on foreign nations to send our astronauts out to space. The U.S. had spent billions of dollars doing just that in the past decade, but now space flight is back in our hands. President Trump has been an advocate of America reaching the far depths of our universe, with a plan to return to the moon by 2024 and an eventual trip to Mars in the works. And we can’t forget his initiative with the Space Force, which became the first new branch of the military in more than 70 years. Under President Trump’s leadership, America is once again a leader in space travel.  
Biden’s Staff Admit to Funding Anarchy: On Friday and Saturday, at least 13 members of former Vice President, and presumed 2020 Democratic nominee, Joe Biden’s campaign staff admitted that they donated to the “Minnesota Freedom Fund” on Twitter. The fund is an organization that takes donations and pays the bail of rioters, which includes the anarchists causing chaos across the nation. Hollywood celebrities – to no surprise – have also jumped on the bandwagon and are donating to the bail fund. These celebrities include Seth Rogan, Steve Carell, Patton Oswalt, and many others.   
It’s no surprise that Hollywood celebrities are paying the bail of rioters. We’ve known that they hate President Trump and have disdain for the capitalist backbone of our country. These sheltered celebrities have been using their position to push far-left ideologies for many years now. However, it’s despicable that a presidential candidate’s staff is also paying bail for looters and rioters. If Vice President Biden had any decency, he would disavow his staff’s actions and fire those who are contributing to anarchy, but we know he won’t. Biden has become a puppet of the far-left radicals in the Democratic Party. It’s now more important than ever that we re-elect President Trump for a second term this November. 
President Trump Ends U.S. Relationship with WHO: On Friday, President Trump announced that the United States is terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO was complicit in perpetuating China’s lies that COVID-19 wouldn’t be a serious issue as the disease spread throughout the world. It wasn’t until the situation got dire that WHO admitted we had a pandemic on our hands. In April, President Trump halted the more than $400 million per year that the U.S. provides to the organization. The termination of America’s relationship with WHO is due to the entity’s systemic failure to enact reforms and its aid of China in covering up their lies. 
 The world could have avoided the current extent of the COVID-19 pandemic had China and WHO been honest about what was happening. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of people across the globe have lost their lives due to the underhanded tactics of China and its vassal WHO. If the United States and every other nation had known that a potential pandemic was about to hit, we all could have enacted the proper procedures even earlier in order to avoid the worldwide spread of the Wuhan Virus. Therefore, to a certain extent, China and WHO could have avoided much of the global wrath they are now facing. There is no doubt that President Trump made the right choice to terminate our relationship with the WHO. 
Executive Order on Religious Liberty: Yesterday, President Trump signed the executive order “Advancing International Religious Freedom,” prioritizing religious liberty in foreign policy moving forward. The executive order provides $50 million per fiscal year to fund programs that advance international religious freedom. It also requires Department of State civil service employees to undertake international religious freedom training. Before signing the executive order, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visited the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. June 2 was the “41st anniversary of Saint John Paul II’s historic celebration of Mass in Warsaw in 1979,” according to the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See, and the First Couple were paying their respects. 
  President Trump has consistently done all he can to protect religious liberty, just as he promised to do during the 2016 campaign. The president has eased restrictions put on churches by previous administrations and has worked with our allies overseas to ensure that religious minorities are protected. He also declared religious institutions like churches and synagogues as essential last week so that Americans could worship with one another again. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has also done a great job helping President Trump fight for religious liberty for all. As long as President Trump is in office, we can be rest assured that our freedoms are safe and secure from tyrannical and hateful threats. 
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