Once again, Trump escalates threats to unleash even more violence and brutality in order to kill a righteous uprising of the people and attack the right to dissent.
We say HELL NO! We'll see you in Tulsa & we will be in the streets nationwide No Fascist America! Trump/Pence Out Now. Read on to find a protest near you
>>>Donate to support the mobilization to Tulsa & nationwide protests this weekend.
All donations made today will be matched (up to $1,000). Goal: $10,000 by Sunday night. Reached so far: $5338
>>>Sign-up to be with us in Tulsa or on the streets anywhere else for #TrumpPenceOutNOW
We are bringing the movement of sustained, non-violent protest demanding Trump/Pence Out Now to the gates of Donald Trump’s abhorrent white supremacist rally on the weekend we celebrate emancipation from slavery. Join us in Tulsa or city near you and by making a donation today.
Coco Das of the editorial board of Refuse Fascism says, “Trump snarling like a caged animal, seeking to unleash all the forces he can to consolidate fascist power. If they are allowed to win, they will exact revenge & terror aimed at permanently destroying our ability to stand up again, re-imposing virulent white supremacy. This is why it's so urgent to get this regime's hands off the levers of power without delay."
Carl Dix, founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party and co-initiator of Refuse Fascism, says, “While the movement to defend Black lives and end white supremacist police murder has inspired protests all over the world, it has terrified one person in particular – that bloated bag of fascist feces named Donald Trump. Black lives, and the lives of millions of others from targeted groups, are in peril as long as Trump and his regime remain in power.”
Trump brings an American fascism, rooted in the Confederacy, wrapped in the flag and Mike Pence’s Bible taken literally, spreading its poison of white supremacy, misogyny, xenophobia, and oppressive, fundamentalist “traditional” values. We are the only force that can stop this, millions of people staying in the streets and refusing to go home until our demand – Trump/Pence Out Now! – is met.
Find a protest near you:
Atlanta: 3:00 PM Trump/Pence Out Now Caravan throughout the city. Email/Call/Text for meetup location. [email protected] - 678-962-7732 Facebook Event
Boston: #TrumpPenceOutNOW contingent in Cambridge "Defend BlackLives" rally and march 3:30 PM Gather at "Out of Town News" Kiosk upstairs at the Harvard Square Red Line Entrance. Facebook Event
Chicago: 6:00PM Millennium Park, Randolph and Michigan Rally and March to Trump Tower Facebook Event
Cleveland: 10:30 AM Meet at Benedictine HS parking lot 2900 MLK Jr. Blvd
Detroit: 4:00 PM at the corner of 3rd & Michigan. Facebook Event
Honolulu: 3:00 PM Republican Party Headquarters, 725 Kapiolani Blvd (Imperial Plaza) Facebook Event
Los Angeles: 3:00 PM Hollywood and Vine rally and march to Trump's star to demand immediate removal of Trump’s white supremacist, fascist regime. Bring symbols of what Trump really represents TO HIS HOLLYWOOD STAR. Facebook Event
New York: 4:00 PM Union Square, march to Trump Tower Facebook Event
Philadelphia: 6:00PM Dilworth Park 1 S. 15th St Speak-out Facebook Event
San Francisco: 12:00PM at the Embarcadero join the #TrumpPenceOutNOW contingent in the March for Freedom and Justice! Facebook Event
Seattle: 4:00 PM Interstate 5 overpass bridge at NE 50th Street and 5th Ave NE. Facebook Event.

Wherever you are; chip-in today to support emergency mobilization to bring the demand #TrumpPenceOutNow to the gates of Trump's KKK-style campaign rally Tulsa. All gifts made today will be doubled by a generous supporter (up to $1,000).

Refuse Fascism National Team, 917-407-1286