Dear John,
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) is attempting to exploit the coronavirus pandemic and ram one of the most Far-Left, radical bills that the country has ever seen through Congress.
John, CCAGW urgently needs your financial support today to help stop Pelosi’s latest attempt to massively expand the size and scope of the federal government and threaten your freedom and liberty.
Pelosi’s $3 trillion bill, the so-called Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, is the most expensive and most wasteful piece of legislation we have seen in CCAGW’s 36-year history.
There are so many socialist, unAmerican ideas contained in this bill that it is impossible to list them all here. And most of them have them have absolutely nothing to do with the coronavirus response itself, including:
- Almost $1 trillion to bail out state and local governments even if they have engaged in wasteful spending for decades;
- $65 billion to bail out the pensions of the Democrats’ labor union donors and billions more to slash the property tax bills for her wealthy friends in blue states;
- Hundreds of billions of dollars to prop up programs that have already been proven to be total failures; and,
- New programs and mandates that will make it far more difficult to recover from the pandemic.
Simply put, the bill has almost nothing to do with the coronavirus pandemic. Pelosi’s bill exists for one reason only: to dramatically restructure America and turn it into a Socialist country.
In order to stop Nancy Pelosi’s terrible bill from becoming law after it passed the House and is now being reviewed in the Senate, CCAGW urgently needs your financial support today.
With your financial support, we will have the resources necessary to continue our campaign to rally the grassroots clout of millions of Americans to keep pressuring their senators to keep Speaker Pelosi’s absurd bill from becoming law.
Your contribution will also enable us to go toe-to-toe with the well-financed Big-Government special interest groups who support her bill to allow the government to reach even deeper into our lives and our nation’s economy.
John, don’t think for a second that Pelosi’s radical proposals have no chance of becoming law. As we saw with the last $2 trillion coronavirus bill, even with a Republican Senate and President and strong objections from CAGW and other taxpayer groups, some very expensive liberal ideas ultimately became law. Your support will help us stop the most wasteful policies from even being considered by the Senate.
I hope you will help CCAGW win this battle with a contribution of $15.00, $25.00, $35.00, or more. I am sorry to have to ask you for your support at this incredibly difficult time, but there is too much at stake if we fail to win this fight for our country.

Thomas A. Schatz
P.S. I worry about the country our children and grandchildren will inherit if we stand by and quietly allow one of the most expensive and outrageous bills we have ever seen to become law. Please make a contribution today to help stop Pelosi’s radical Far-Left HEROES Act today.

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) is the lobbying arm of Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog organization with more than 1 million members and supporters nationwide. CCAGW is a 501(c)(4) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that lobbies for legislation to eliminate waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. Contributions to CCAGW are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. For more information about CCAGW, visit www.ccagw.org. Make a contribution to help CCAGW rein in government overreach and demand transparency and accountability from Washington.
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