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Dear Friend – 

I’m so excited to be back out on my 99 County Tour so I can hear directly from Iowans who have been impacted by COVID-19, and to learn more about how the relief—like the Paycheck Protection Program that I fought for—has supported you all during this pandemic. Hearing directly from Iowans is essential to my job, and I look forward to seeing you on the 99 County Tour soon!   

Here’s an update on what I’ve been working on this week:

Following Iowa’s Lead on Police Reform

Iowa is leading the way on the issue of police reform by unanimously passing and signing into law a historic bipartisan bill that would provide additional accountability for law enforcement and garnered the support of the Iowa Police Officers Association.

There is a lot of talk about defunding the police, and I know that’s a quick and provocative soundbite, but there are other ways we can go about reforming our police. I do believe that we can add additional support for our police, whether it’s in the form of mental health counselors or training in de-escalation techniques.


Click here or on the image above to watch my remarks.

With members of the media, and during a Senate Judiciary Hearing on police reform, I highlighted a number of important items that I am working on and are included in the JUSTICE Act – which I proudly cosponsored – like increased oversight and transparency of police departments that receive federal funding and closing a loophole that allows law enforcement officers to claim that a sexual encounter with someone in their custody was consensual to avoid assault charges.


Click here or on the image above to watch my remarks at the Judiciary Hearing.  

Supporting Moms and Dads in Iowa

As a mom and a leader on the issue of paid parental leave, I was excited to join the Senate Finance Committee’s Paid Leave Working Group Co-Chairs, U.S. Senators Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH), as well as a number of her colleagues and outside experts, for a roundtable discussion titled “Paid Leave Proposals in the COVID Era.”

I discussed my proposal with Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), the CRADLE Act, which offers a paid parental leave solution without government mandates, without increasing taxes on individuals or businesses, and without adding to our national debt. I also spoke about another one of my priorities, the need to address the child care crisis in Iowa and across the country.


Click here or on the image above to watch my remarks at the roundtable. 

Iowans Benefit from Annual Defense Bill

Exciting news: Iowa taxpayers, and folks across the country, won a battle in the ‘War on Waste’ in this year’s defense bill! Through my efforts, we’ve made spending more transparent, curbed needless duplication, and we’re holding accountable, not rewarding, bad behavior and questionable actions by the Pentagon. 

I also successfully included provisions that will directly benefit Iowa and its economy in the National Defense Authorization Act that passed out of the Senate Armed Services Committee last week.

From funding for COVID-19 vaccine research through Iowa State to increased manufacturing at the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant, the Rock Island Arsenal, and through a new DoD partnership with the University of Northern Iowa, this defense bill includes a number of key initiatives for Iowa’s economy and our state’s role in helping secure our national defense.

Strengthening our Supply Chain and Decreasing our Reliance on China

As a former logistics battalion commander in the Iowa Army National Guard, I fully understand the need for our military technologies, equipment, and capabilities to be modern day and top notch, and for our supply chain to always remain secure – not dependent on China. That’s why I’m glad to report that through my efforts in the defense bill, we’re improving the U.S. supply chain for rare earth metals and battery components so we don’t rely on China.

In addition, I’ve been working on a new bill which would incentivize pharmaceutical and medical device and supply manufacturers to relocate to the United States.

I discussed the Bring Entrepreneurial Advancements to Consumers Here In North America (BEAT CHINA) Act with Jeff Angelo on Thursday. Click here or on the image below to listen to my interview with Jeff.


The New York Post also covered my work to decrease dependency on China. Read more by clicking the image below. 


For more updates on what's happening in Washington, D.C. and Iowa, be sure to 'Like' my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter @SenJoniErnst, and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Thank you!
