Dear John,

I wanted to update you on the incredible impact of our COVID-19 Resilience Fund. Since our appeal in May, we have distributed emergency  funds to 14 partner organisations in Africa and Asia.

Representatives from two partners who received resilience grants tell us how they’re putting the funds to use:
Laxmi Ghalan of Mitini, an organisation focused on
supporting LBTQI+ women in Nepal
“As a marginalised and underprivileged community, LBTQI+ women have been experiencing extreme hardships at this difficult phase of a global pandemic.

The Womankind COVID-19 Resilience Fund will help us to continue to support LBTQI+ women by distributing relief packages to the affected people of the community. This small sum of money will help them to afford food and other essentials until they are able to work.”
Betty Achana of the National Union of Women
with Disabilities of Uganda (NUWODU)

“We started to use the resilience fund to assess and collect data and document this data on the impacts of COVID-19 on the lives of women and girls with disabilities.* We hope this [resilience grant] will guide our planning and programming and as well expose the evils happening with the aim of policy reforms.”
*NUWODU stated that the incidences of violence against women and girls with disabilities has increased three fold during the pandemic period.
It is clear these emergency funds are making a huge difference but as the situation improves in Europe, conditions across the world remain severely disrupted.
  • Ethiopia has declared a minimum 5 month State of Emergency to help limit the spread of coronavirus
  • In Kenya the lockdown has been extended into July along with a daily nationwide curfew
  • In Nepal tens of thousands of migrant workers are returning home after job losses in India and the Middle East. Not only are migrant workers facing unemployment on return but their families will go without remittance payments they had come to rely on.
We are determined to support the remaining 28 of our partner organisations in Africa and Asia. All of whom are still in urgent need of funds to support their COVID-19 response efforts. 

Will you donate what you can to ensure we reach as many women and girls as possible? Please donate what you can today: 
LIVE WEBINAR: Hear direct from partners next Tuesday! 

As the pandemic continues, we see how COVID-19 is disproportionately impacting women and girls around the world. But our partners’ responses have been inspiring and innovative!
Join our live webinar (Tues 23rd June, 12pm BST) to hear from partners in Kenya and Uganda on how they have been responding to the crisis. 

For further details or to register, click here.
Thank you in advance for your support and for showing solidarity with women and girls across the world. Together we will start on the road to recovery following this dreadful virus.
With best wishes, 

Hannah Little
Fundraising & Marketing Officer

Pictured above: Natasha & Inushwa who campaign against Female Genital Mutilation in Kajiado County, Kenya. 
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