Tomorrow We Rise Together!
Join The Poor People's Assembly and Moral March on Washington, a Digital Justice Gathering tomorrow June 20th.
Across the internet and the airwaves we will drive the vision and agenda of our communities into the heart of the national narrative.
Join us in this transformative digital event at
10 AM & 6 PM EST on Saturday, June 20th; 6 PM EST on Sunday, June 21st.
- Go to to access the livestream. (The broadcasts on June 20 and June 21 will be interpreted into Spanish and ASL (American Sign Language) and will be open captioned in English.)
- If you or someone you know does not have Internet access, please dial in to (425) 436-6277 and use the Participant Code 521837 to listen to the broadcast.
- In the DC area, WPFW radio (89.3 FM) will be broadcasting the assembly at 10:00 AM.
On June 20, we cry power to the nation!
DC Poor People’s Campaign Coordinating Committee.