Dear AFC family,
June is a significant month from a human rights perspective:
- June 12th we commemorate Anne Frank's birthday.
- June also features the opening entries in the diary she received as a 13th birthday present — the pages of which she would fill for two years with her views on war, racism, politics, puberty, opportunity, aspirations, and the plight of her family while in hiding.
- June marks the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots of 1969 and the subsequent advances for LGBTQ rights that followed.
- On June 12, 1967 the US Supreme Court issued the Loving v. Virginia decision, striking down bans on interracial marriage.
- And today, Juneteenth, commemorates the announcement that the end of the Civil War brought the end of 400 years of slavery and the freedom of four million slaves in the United States.

June 1942 marked Anne Frank's first entry in her diary. LISTEN to Julian Morrow with Australian public radio speak with the AFC's Elisa Rapaport on the relatability and impact of Anne's insights across the decades and throughout the world, with excerpts read aloud from actress Helena Bonham Carter.
This June we have watched people unite around the world to defend the rights this history has promised for all people, with voices and actions propelled by the inextinguishable persistence of hope.
In recent months we've witnessed many challenges to the human spirit: the loss of loved ones, fears of economic instability, evidence of continuing racial injustice and conflict, and a viral contagion that threatens us all regardless of skin color or religion. Frustration mounts and protests erupt in cities throughout the world as voices come together to be the upstanders we model for future generations, to demand accountability for injustice, and to re-imagine the ways we can build our communities up from within.

It's hard to know where to begin, sometimes, answering the tough questions that come from children or those we should be asking ourselves. We've collected a list to help build a library of current resources on cultural awareness, anti-racism, and violence.
Throughout it all, the Anne Frank Center's very mission has been to confront intolerance in all its forms through empowerment and mutual understanding.
OUR VISION: Inspiring every generation to build the more compassionate world Anne Frank envisioned.
Spirit of Anne Frank Awards
Typically we host our annual Spirit of Anne Frank Awards each June as we recognize an extraordinary group of young people who understand well their power to confront challenges and create a better world. Although social distancing has prevented an in-person celebration this year, it is our honor to announce our 2020 scholarship recipients, a 24th annual tradition generously sponsored by Les and Sybil Rosenberg.
Caragan Olles
2020 SAFA Scholarship - $5000
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Through her nonprofit "Bright Young Dyslexics," Caragan has demonstrated that there can be a better way of communicating, improving education, and working to overturn a demoralizing stereotype that affects thousands of students. Next year, she brings her talents and dedication to the University of Miami with plans to study entrepreneurship.
Yousuf Khan
2020 SAFA Scholarship - $2500
Glendale Heights, Illinois
Heavily involved in creating interfaith and inter-cultural dialogue within his high school, Yousuf has worked collaboratively with fellow students to host events and present to the faculty on how to promote diversity and incorporate student identities. He will pursue marketing and pre-medicine next year at Northern Illinois University.
Julia Seay
2020 SAFA Scholarship - $1000
Atlanta, Georgia
To help identify depression and confront the stigmas associated with mental health, Julia was among a group of students who founded The Brainy Bunch peer support group at her school.
Mia Lazar
2020 SAFA Scholarship - $1000
Blacksburg, Virginia
As a documentary filmmaker, Mia recognizes the power of the arts to inspire positive change and launched the Filmshakers Festival to highlight human stories of impact and connectedness.
Sita Conde
2020 SAFA Scholarship - $1000
Miami, Florida
Seeing the need for positive images, cultural understanding, and self-identity among minority youth, Sita has worked to ensure elementary libraries represent their diverse communities.