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Full Video: Watch the 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention

Making History

Last night, we made history, with thousands of Hoosiers tuning in for our 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention. 

While we all would have preferred to be together in person, I’m so excited that we had this opportunity to share our Republican message on this wide stage to so many of our fellow Hoosiers.

When I took the stage at our 2018 state convention, I made a commitment to grow this party and ensure that we reflect the tremendous diversity found in Indiana. I issued a call to action for everyone in our grassroots team to get involved in this mission. And last night, I gave an update on our progress.

I’m excited to share that we’re developing a statewide diversity series through the Indiana Republican Party to help identify, educate, train and invest in diverse Hoosiers who believe in the principles of the Republican Party. And we've got the perfect person on our team leading the charge. Whitley Yates, who joined our Indiana GOP team last December, is absolutely on fire, as you probably saw last night.

With her help, Indiana Republicans are currently building relationships in places our party has not been before. We’ll be announcing more details soon about our diversity series, so stay tuned.

Together, as Republicans we made history last night, we’re making history daily with our actions, and I know we’re ready to make more history together this November.

- Chairman Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: Indiana GOP Chairman Kyle Hupfer served as the emcee at last night's 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention. If you missed it, don't worry. You can watch the full video here

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

One Indiana For All

Last night, Governor Holcomb delivered the keynote address at our 2020 Indiana State Convention. Thanks to the hard work and determination of Hoosiers, we have Indiana in a position to come out of these difficult times faster and stronger than many of our neighbors. 

"For us to be firing on all cylinders...we must cultivate this new economic and societal terrain to become One Indiana that provides opportunities for all." - Gov. Holcomb

Building One Indiana For All means:

  • Getting Hoosiers back to work and connecting more Hoosiers with higher-wage jobs.
  • Attracting more business leaders, job creators and entrepreneurs to Indiana.
  • Working together to overcome racial inequality.
  • Taking a long look at some of the restrictions and regulations we set aside during the pandemic to see which ones can go away permanently.
  • Continuing to modernize your state government, making sure it is running efficiently for the taxpayers.
  • Finishing I-69.
  • Taking on long-lingering health issues.
  • Hitting our goal of being the best state in the Midwest for infant mortality by 2024.
  • Focusing on mental, physical and fiscal health.
"One Indiana For All... strengthened by our regions, our diversity, our communities, our history and most importantly, our people." - Gov. Holcomb

Through all the challenges this year have brought us, one thing has remained true. The Hoosier spirit has remained strong and resilient. It's going to take all of us working together to truly create One Indiana that provides opportunities for all! 

To watch Governor Holcomb's full speech, click here.

Celebrating Juneteenth
Today we celebrate Juneteenth – the day when slavery finally came to an end in America, following President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation almost two and a half years earlier.

Join us as we celebrate freedom and the fall of slavery in the United States, and we reflect on the importance of this day. As Governor Holcomb has said, “We don't have more time or lives to lose.”
Delegates: Now It’s Time to Vote
Last night, we hosted our history 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention. And now it’s time for our delegates to vote!

Delegates will begin receiving their ballots around June 22 -- your ballot must arrive at the PO Box no later than July 9 at 5 p.m. ET. If your ballot is received after that time it will not be counted. For more information about voting, watch this video and visit our convention website.

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb announces K-12 funding increase of $183 million
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch talks about the ongoing work to fight COVID-19 in Indiana
Senator Todd Young cosponsors Republican police reform bill
Senator Mike Braun believes it's time we come together
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski visits Worldcell Extrusions in Elkhart
Congressman Jim Banks appears on Fox Business
Congressman Jim Baird favors Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses
Congresswoman Susan Brooks learns how Conner Prairie is opening safely
Congressman Greg Pence introduces legislation to improve safety of Hoosier rail crossings
Congressman Larry Bucshon creates virtual job board
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth thanks frontline workers for their leadership

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