BRAND NEW PETITION: Taxpayer, if you could trade 20 seconds to save 20 THOUSAND beagles from being gassed and poisoned... would you?

Taxpayer if you could trade 20 seconds to save 20 THOUSAND beagles from being gassed and poisoned... would you?
BREAKING: the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is FORCING drug makers to torture and kill puppies in extremely painful and unnecessary tests.
And its all just because of 1, outdated, fossil of a government regulation on the FDA’s books... since the 1930s!
Taxpayer, we need your help to change this. We need to cut FDA Red Tape NOW!
SIGN/SHARE: Add your name to demand FDA cut this max-pain mandate immediately.
HORRIFYING: Here’s what FDA is mandating on helpless puppies.
Brace yourself for this, Taxpayer:
- BRED TO SUFFER: FDA actually recommends beagle puppies because they’re gentle, docile, and trusting of people.
- THE YOUNGER THE BETTER: “Dosing should begin no later than 4 to 6 months of age” –
- NO ANESTHESIA. NO PAIN RELIEF: Forced to inhale toxic gas. Experimental chemicals are pumped into their little bodies for 9 months. Every. Single. Day!
- NO SURVIVORS: all puppies are slaughtered and dissected.
Taxpayer, now here’s the dirty little secret. And get ready to be REALLY MAD …
The drug companies’ own scientists don’t need or even want to do these barbaric beagle puppy tests!
But FDA’s cruel, max-pain bureaucrats force them to obey… and severely punishes doctors for using high-tech, non-dog alternatives.
Taxpayer, the system is sick… and our new campaign is the cure.
That’s why we just launched this new taxpayer petition. Will rush your signature right now?
Let’s Cut FDA Red Tape!

Justin Goodman
Vice President
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. SIGN/SHARE: Taxpayer, we just launched our biggest, most important campaign yet. Follow this link to save 20,000 puppies by cutting 1 wasteful FDA regulation. - Justin