Dear John,

The Poor People's Campaign's virtual National Assembly is this Saturday, June 20. We urge everyone to attend. Click here to RSVP and receive a link.

This Week @CPUSA: The anti-racism movement goes international.

Read our editorial on the George Floyd protest movement, Waiting No More.

A pamphlet by Jarvis Tyner, Black Lives Matter, has been updated. A downloadable version for printing and distribution is coming soon.

The Specter podcast features a discussion of Cuba's medical internationalism with Tony Ryan, co-founder of the National Network on Cuba and special guest Arianne Aquino, a Filipino-American activist currently studying medicine in Cuba.

Several reports were presented to the National Committee meeting on June 6:

Read about the continuing demonstrations in Queens.

Watch this webinar on the splits and divisions in the ruling class and how the working class can take advantage of them.

Hold the date! The next Marxist class, on the political economy of 21st-century imperialism, will be held on Sunday, June 28.

In solidarity,

Joe, Scott, & Laura
For the Website Collective


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