When AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka held a trade town hall in Ohio in June to discuss the new NAFTA, I knew I had to go. As secretary-treasurer for the Ohio AFL-CIO, I’m ready to speak out against the new NAFTA at any opportunity. It’s a bad deal for workers in Ohio and across America.
Now, I want to share this video from the tour and ask you to sign the petition to stand up to the new NAFTA.
For years and years, the North American Free Trade Agreement has had a devastating impact on working people: outsourced jobs, lost pensions, hurting families. Everyone in that room in Ohio knew that NAFTA had been nothing but bad news for our state and our country—and that it’s time for a deal that works for all of us.
I left that town hall more ready than ever to rally for a better trade agreement. Now’s the time to tell lawmakers: No vote on NAFTA until it’s fixed. Watch the video and sign the petition opposing the new NAFTA.
In Solidarity,
Melissa Cropper
Secretary-Treasurer, Ohio AFL-CIO
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