These candidates are facing their primaries very soon, and they need our help if they’re going to win.

Friends -

As you well know, real change does not come easy. Wall Street, the insurance industry, drug companies, the military-industrial complex, the fossil fuel industry, the prison-industrial complex and the 1% have endless amounts of money.

And, in a corrupt political system, that money is converted into political power. Their super PACs, campaign contributions and lobbyists fight hard and effectively to maintain the status quo and the massive level of wealth and income inequality that currently exists.

The very rich get much richer while half our people live paycheck to paycheck, 87 million are uninsured or under-insured and half a million Americans are homeless. That's the system they want to maintain. That's the system we want to change.

That is why our grassroots movement is supporting strong progressive candidates all across the country — candidates who are prepared to take on big money interests and fight for the working families of our country.

You can help elect those candidates by joining our Day of Action on Saturday, June 20th. Can you sign up to make calls for progressive candidates facing primaries very soon?

Sign up today to say you'll participate in our Day of Action this Saturday, June 20th, and we'll send you all the information you need to get started.

Here are the candidates who need your help to get out the vote before their primaries:

Congressional Candidates in Kentucky, New York and New Jersey

District Attorney Candidates in Colorado and New York

State Legislative Candidates in New York

These are some excellent progressive candidates that will fight for our values in office. We hope you’ll sign up to help them get out the vote before their primaries.

Add your name today to say you’ll join our Day of Action on Saturday, June 20th. We must do all we can to stand with these candidates and help them win their primaries.

The success of our movement depends on people like you. Thank you for signing up to join this important Day of Action.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie