Fighting the California Judicial Council’s emergency ban on evictions

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, California’s Judicial Council—the agency that oversees state courts—declared a de facto ban on evictions. That is, courts will not consider eviction cases during Governor Gavin Newsom’s state-of-emergency declaration plus 90 days, even when tenants can pay rent but simply refuse to.

Under the California Constitution, however, the Judicial Council has no authority to issue such rules.

Represented by PLF free of charge, landlords Peggy Christensen and Peter Martin are fighting back, in PLF’s second lawsuit challenging unconstitutional emergency orders.

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The Sun Sentinel: Florida ambulances need flexibility to serve consumers both now and after the pandemic

As Florida re-opens its economy, no one knows quite what to expect. But one thing that’s clear is that medical providers must be ready to respond to whatever comes—and quickly.

The state helped out last month when, after receiving an open letter PLF sent to Governor Ron DeSantis on behalf of a Naples-based ambulance company, it suspended the Certificate of Need requirement for ambulances for the duration of the coronavirus emergency.

But as Anastasia Boden and The James Madison Institute’s Sal Nuzzo write, the Florida Legislature should make the suspension permanent and repeal this law at the earliest possible opportunity.

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The Hill: The First Amendment protects attorneys from compelled speech

Imagine being forced, as the price of doing business, to pay for a trade association’s speech on gun control, immigration, abortion, affirmative action, and many other hot-button political issues. That’s the situation attorneys in many states face just to do their jobs.

Deborah La Fetra and Elizabeth Slattery explain the First Amendment problem with bar associations’ dues requirements and what the Supreme Court can do about it.

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