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Path to the Polls

When I received from the New York City Board of Elections my application for an absentee ballot, I mailed it back the next day, along with my wife's. Four days from Primary Day, we have yet to get our ballots. So, I'll either bike a couple miles to my early voting site later today, tomorrow or Sunday, or wait until Tuesday and walk around the corner to my regular polling place.

None of the races in my district have generated any buzz—a low-wattage Congressional primary, a judicial race and a district leader contest, as well as the anti-climactic presidential primary. But that makes participating that much more important, since turnout could be abysmally low. And if there were ever any doubts about the importance of political leadership to health and basic human dignity, the last couple months ought to have cleared it up.

It's too late to apply for an absentee ballot now. If you did apply and you do receive it, you must mail it by Primary Day. Otherwise you can vote early through Sunday at one of the early voting sites—they are fewer and further between than the regular voting places—or you can vote in person between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. on Primary Day at your usual polling place.

For information on where to vote early or on Primary Day, use the Board of Elections address-search tool.

For information on many of the candidates who are running, check out the City Limits/Gotham Gazette/WNYC/Gothamist voters' guide.

A little info about the judicial candidates is here. And our coverage of some of the Congressional races is worth a read.

Whichever way you vote, let us know what you think of the experience. But, yes, vote.

Jarrett Murphy
executive editor


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In Run for Congress, Díaz Sr.’s Strategy is to Give Out Food and Skip Debates
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Lots of Unknowns Remain About COVID-Related Illness that Sickens Kids
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Una Ciudad sin Límites

Young Lords reflexionan sobre protestas, racismo y violencia policial en Nueva York
‘Es básicamente todo esto que ves ahora, pero en una versión más grande, más inflada, como si tuviera esteroides.

La estrategia de Díaz Sr. para el congreso es dar comida y no ir a debates
Su campaña se basa en publicaciones en Twitter y Facebook, fotos y videos que lo capturan haciendo política a la vieja usanza como regalar comida, juguetes y desde que la pandemia del coronavirus golpeó a Nueva York, tapa bocas.

Oleada de legislación dirigida a inquilinos y a pequeños negocios
Por mucho que la reapertura sea una prueba de si los neoyorquinos pueden evitar una segunda oleada de enfermedades, también revelará si las medidas tomadas hasta ahora son toda la ayuda que se necesita.


Voices of New York

Amplifying NYC's Ethnic and Community Press


Nepalese Embassy Begins Process for Citizens in the U.S. to Return Home
Nepalis who are in the U.S. are asked to register with the the Nepalese Embassy in order to return home, following a COVID-19 lockdown in the country since March.

Beloved Latino Center Reopens in Westchester after Busy Lockdown
El Centro Hispano in White Plains has been assisting families with food and housing insecurity during quarantine. The center reopened for the first time last week.

The daily death tolls are dropping. But COVID-19's impact on our city has just begun. From hospitals to housing, education to the economy, there are tough questions to be answered and important stories to be told. With your help, we can tell them.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: Brownsville is Waging its Own Fight Against COVID-19 and Racism
‘As a community, we are not taking a knee waiting on the government to provide solutions. We are exercising our power and local resources to develop the hands-on solutions and practices that will most benefit our community.’

Opinion: The Only Essential Workers They Care About Are the Cops
'COVID-19 took the mask off this truth: The only essential workers this country cares about are cops.'

Opinion: A Reopened Housing Court Must Protect New Yorkers of Color
'No landlord, attorney, court staffer or judge has yet made the argument that it is actually safe to open housing courts. '

Coronavirus Resources         
• New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene • New York State Department of Health • U.S. Centers for Disease Control • World Health Organization

Need help or info? Check out our resource library.
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