Hi John,


Allen Thomas is a friend, and I hope you'll join me in supporting him in his run for the 3rd Congressional District. The Special Election for Congress is 21 days away, and if you believe everyone has the right to affordable health care, then your support for Allen Thomas is critical!

I Support Affordable Health Care!

Just like me, Allen is a proud supporter of economic and broadband infrastructure development to ensure our region grows. He also believes in providing our veterans and military with the resources and services they deserve. 


We need people like Allen to expand access to quality education, trade and certification programs so our children can succeed and acquire jobs. 

Chip in for Allen Thomas

Allen will ensure our rural and coastal communities have the resources to rebuild and recover from hurricane damage, work on future disaster prevention, and oppose offshore drilling on our coast.


I can personally attest Allen will restore civility to the political system and focus on solving real problems. Join me in helping Allen move NC forward by chipping in here.





Candidate for Lt. Governor

Toole for NC