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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 19 June


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


At least 3,000 children abused by members of the French Catholic Church since 1950 - NSS quoted

A least 3,000 children were sexually abused by clergy and officials in the French Catholic Church since 1950, a commission has found. NSS president Keith Porteous Wood is quoted.

Mail Online


US preacher accused of 'repulsive' views about LGBT people threatens to sue Newcastle City Council

An American evangelical Christian group is threatening to sue Newcastle City Council over a cancelled visit from a controversial preacher who called being gay "an abomination".

Chronicle Live


Government criticised for sending pork items to Muslims in food packages

The government has been accused of "cultural and moral insensitivity" for sending pork sausages and bacon to clinically vulnerable Muslim families who are shielding during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Guardian


Brexit revives unionist and nationalist divide in Northern Ireland

Just under 60% of Catholics in Northern Ireland now categorise themselves as nationalist compared with 50% two years ago. At the same time, the researchers from Queen's University Belfast's Ark project found 67% of Protestants now classified themselves as unionist compared with 55% in 2018.

The Guardian


Abortion debate will go ahead in Guernsey

Guernsey's debate on abortion law changes will not be delayed, after a motion was defeated by just one vote.



Costa Rica’s bishops defend Catholic Church’s role as state religion

Catholic bishops in Costa Rica, with the backing of the Evangelical Alliance, are against a proposed reform of the constitution removing Catholicism as the official state religion.



Staff at Canadian human rights museum say they were forced to censor LGBT+ displays for religious visitors

Staff at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights have claimed they were forced to censor LGBT+ content when giving tours to certain groups.

Pink News


Charities report rise in Maltese requests for abortion pills during lockdown

Women in Malta, where abortion is banned, have been unable to travel abroad for terminations.

The Guardian


'Why is the Catholic Church getting coronavirus financial support from the Australian government?'

"The Catholic Church has an asset base estimated to be worth more than $30 billion in Australia alone. Even if it's legal for them to access JobKeeper, how is it ethical?"



Russian monk denying coronavirus takes control of monastery

A Russian monk who has denied the coronavirus' existence and urged believers to ignore the Kremlin's lockdown orders has taken control of a monastery in the Ural Mountains.

AP News


New: NSS podcast


Ep 28: RE in Wales: a chance for fundamental change

In this episode, Emma Park speaks to the NSS's Stephen Evans and Alastair Lichten for an update on the Welsh government's proposed reforms to religious education.

Do the plans go far enough? And should religious education continue to be a separate subject that is compulsory for all students up until 16? Join Emma and her guests for comment and analysis.



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