From Air Force Magazine <[email protected]>
Subject Daily Report, June 19: Overhauling Fighter Pilot Training | USAF to Release Arctic Strategy | Bombers vs. Standoff Weapons
Date June 19, 2020 7:39 AM
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Air Force Magazine
Daily Report for June 19, 2020

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Edited by Amy McCullough with Rachel S. Cohen, Brian W. Everstine and John A. Tirpak


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ACC Aims to Cut Pilot Training Time By Up to Half
By John A. Tirpak

The Air Force is implementing a fighter pilot training plan that will regroup
training phases and use new technologies to cut between a third and half off the
time needed to transform a raw student pilot into a fighter flight lead,
according to the new concept of operations. The plan exploits the in-jet
simulation capability of the new T-7 Red Hawk, paired with ground-based virtual
reality and artificial intelligence to accelerate student progress. Called
“Rebuilding the Forge,” or “Reforge” for short, the new CONOPS, which
was signed out by Air Combat Command chief Gen. Mike Holmes on June 2, would be
the first major transformation of fighter pilot training since jet training
began in the 1950s, according to its authors.

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Investigation: Climbing Anchor Failure Caused Pararescuman’s Death
By Brian W. Everstine

A pararescueman died during an October 2019 mountain rescue and climbing
training exercise in Idaho after an anchor system failed, pulling him off the
top of a cliff. Tech. Sgt. Peter Kraines, 33, a Special Tactics PJ with the 24th
Special Operations Wing at Pope Army Airfield, N.C., was one of five Airmen
participating in a six-day training exercise to improve climbing skills near
Boise. An Air Force Accident Investigation Board report states Kraines set an
anchor system that gave out as an Airman was rapelling down a rock face, and
that Airman’s momentum pulled him off the cliff.

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B-2s Train in Arctic as USAF Prepares to Release Strategy for the Region
By Brian W. Everstine

Two B-2s linked up with Norwegian F-35s north of the Arctic Circle on June 18 to
demonstrate long-range strategic integration, as the Air Force is set to release
a new strategy on how it will operate in the Arctic, the head of U.S. Air Forces
in Europe said. Gen. Jeffrey Harrigian, speaking to reporters in a virtual
event, said the service “in the very near future” will release the document
for operating in the Arctic, which “will more broadly inform our way ahead for
operations” in the increasingly important region. While the broader Defense
Department and other services have published their own strategies for the
Arctic, this document will be new for the Air Force. “The Arctic remains a key
area for us to continue to best understand how we will operate up there, and key
to me for that is how we operate with our partners,” Harrigian said.

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Report: Standoff Weapons and Arsenal Plane No Match for Bombers
By John A. Tirpak

Bombers are a better bet than standoff weapons for managing combat at long
range, according to a new Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies report,
released June 18. While standoff weapons are needed for key targets inside a
well-fortified enemy's air defenses, only bombers can provide the massed
firepower needed for an extended air campaign, according to the report's author,
retired Air Force Col. Mark Gunzinger. Bombers' ability to strike deep within
enemy territory—likely beyond the range of standoff weapons—is a “cost
imposing” strategy on an enemy, Gunzinger said.

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Senate Vets Hokanson for National Guard Chief
By Rachel S. Cohen

The prospective next head of the National Guard Bureau told the Senate this week
he expects the new coronavirus pandemic and civil unrest will require the Guard
to play a greater role in homeland security than in the past. “Given the
magnitude of recent domestic events, I anticipate a larger role for the National
Guard in supporting civil authorities in the homeland; therefore, I foresee a
potential increased role for me, if confirmed, in the interagency in planning
for and reacting to events in the homeland,” Army Lt. Gen. Daniel Hokanson
wrote to the Senate Armed Services Committee ahead of his June 18 confirmation
hearing. If confirmed, Hokanson will earn a promotion to general and replace Air
Force Gen. Joseph Lengyel, who assumed the post in August 2016. The head of the
National Guard Bureau is also a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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Use of Contracted Russian Fighter Jets in Libya Could Increase Civilian Casualties
By Brian W. Everstine

Russian private contractors are continuing to build up their presence of fighter
jets in Libya, raising concerns about long-term security impacts of this
capability and short-term worries about the skills and professionalism of
fighter pilots for hire. U.S. Africa Command on June 18 released new images of
at least 14 Russian MiG-23s, MiG-29s, and Su-24s that Russia had repainted and
deployed to al Jufra Air Field in Libya in May. The aircraft are reportedly
flown by the Wagner Group in support of military commander Khalifa Haftar’s
offensive against the United Nations-backed Government of National Accord. Gen.
Jeffrey Harrigian, commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa,
said the pilots are largely retired or other non-proficient aviators, raising
concerns about possible civilian casualties from air strikes.

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Virtual Events: Holmes on Mitchell Institute’s ‘Aerospace Nation,’ and More
By Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory

On June 22, Air Combat Command chief Gen. Mike Holmes will appear on the
"Aerospace Nation" series hosted by AFA's Mitchell Institute for Aerospace
Studies. Event video will tentatively be posted on Mitchell's <a
href="[link removed]">website</a> and
<a href="[link removed]">YouTube
page</a> after the event.

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Radar Sweep


Snapshot: DOD and COVID-19

Here's a look at how the Defense Department is being impacted by and responding
to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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SecDef Creates All-New Board for 'Diversity and Inclusion' in the Military

Weeks after the killing of George Floyd sparked national unrest over racial
discrimination, Defense Secretary Mark Esper has introduced a new defense board
for diversity. The "Defense Board on Diversity and Inclusion" will conduct a
"six-month sprint to develop concrete, actionable recommendations to increase
racial diversity and ensure equal opportunity across all ranks & in the officer
corps," Esper said in a Twitter thread published June 18.

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Air Force Investigates Military Planes That Monitored Protesters

The Air Force inspector general is examining whether secretive National Guard
surveillance aircraft improperly monitored demonstrators in Washington and

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U.S. Forces Korea Permits Racial Injustice Protests on Bases

In an emailed statement, Army Col. Lee Peters, chief USFK spokesman, said
commanders knew about two recent "candlelight vigils and both were coordinated
with appropriate authorities prior to execution." Abrams also put out guidance
from his chief Judge Advocate General before the demonstrations in an effort to
let all service members and civilians participating "know what they were allowed
and not allowed to do," Peters said.

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Top Pentagon Official Wheelbarger Resigns

Kathryn Wheelbarger, who is highly regarded by national security experts in
President Donald Trump’s Republican Party and among Democrats, did not explain
the reasoning for her departure in a copy of her resignation letter obtained by

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DOD Space Strategy Focuses on Allies, Commercial; Where Was Intel Community?

"This is a just a DOD product. The 2011 National Security Space Strategy was
very much a DID-IC product," one baffled national space security insider said.

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SMC Commander Impressed by ‘Technical Maturity’ of Newly Developed U.S. Rockets

The development of new rockets that are competing in the National Security Space
Launch program is progressing at a rapid pace and all appear to be on track to
meet the program schedule, Lt. Gen. John “JT” Thompson, commander of the
Space and Missile Systems Center, said June 17.

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Lockheed Martin Ventures Invests in Red 6

Lockheed Martin Ventures has invested in Red 6, a Santa Monica, Calf.-based firm
specializing in synthetic training. Red 6 said in its June 17 announcement that
it will use the funds to "accelerate the development and commercialization of
Red 6's ATARS (Airborne Tactical Augmented Reality System)."

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NSA Piloting Secure Domain Name System Service for Defense Contractors

The effort is meant to help small- and medium-sized companies get more bang for
their cybersecurity buck.

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Theodore Roosevelt Super Hornet Crashes in Philippine Sea; Pilot, Weapon Systems Officer Safe

An F/A-18F Super Hornet operating off the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71)
crashed in the Philippine Sea on June 18, a Navy official confirmed to USNI
News. The pilot and the weapons officer ejected safely and were recovered by an
MH-60S helicopter from Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 8, according to a
statement from the carrier.

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McCain Crew Completes Basic Certification

The crew aboard Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain
(DDG 56) successfully completed Basic Phase Certification earlier this month,
the U.S. Navy confirmed on June 16. The Navy has been repairing and revamping
McCain since the ship suffered damage in August 2017 following a collision with
the oil tanker MV Alnic MC near the eastern entrance of the Strait of Malacca,
resulting in the deaths of 10 sailors.

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One More Thing...
Watch RAF, French Air Force Soar Over Paris, London

Check out footage of the Royal Air Force Red Arrows and the French Air Force's
Patrouille de France performing flypasts of their home countries' capitals.

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