
With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the outcry and call for justice following the murder of George Floyd by police (please read our press release here) affecting communities across the world, we hope that you, your family and friends are taking care of each other.  

At CLCV, we are adjusting to the new world and recognizing that our former strategies to execute our mission must evolve virtually.  We currently can’t canvass door-to-door, walk the halls of the capitol, or organize in-person town halls and candidate trainings.  Additionally, our fundraising efforts, driven by personal interactions and live events, are compromised.  

That is why last week we launched an EMERGENCY DIGITAL FUND with a goal of raising $100,000 to meet the urgent priorities of pivoting our advocacy, organizing and membership efforts to using digital tools and expertise. We're closer to our goal, but we need a few more members like you to step up. Don't forget: Your donation will be matched, DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR.

As California begins to reopen, and we continue practicing physical distancing and other safety measures so we don't overwhelm our health care systems, we are learning about this respiratory illness and its correlation to environmental factors and climate justice.  

  • Our most vulnerable populations are bearing the worst impacts.  Carbon pollution is connected to illnesses such as asthma and hypertension for millions of Americans—the same conditions that are now associated with the most severe cases of COVID-19.  Recently, an April 2020 Harvard study linked the probability of more COVID-19 cases directly to air pollution, joining a chorus of scientific research over decades that suggests income and race have a direct impact on chronic air pollution exposure.  Communities of color, the homeless, the unemployed, the underemployed, the elderly and families without healthcare are being hit hardest by the pandemic.
  • Policy opportunities are emerging.  Stimulus investments are being created and rolled out and we are leveraging an opportunity to advocate for climate action in these investments.  Like the pandemic, the climate crisis will become a deep economic crisis.  We can’t afford to react now and prepare later.  Climate change is a global crisis with devastating impacts.  In the aftermath of the pandemic, we need leadership to ensure we are better prepared for future health crises and that as much as possible is being done to solve and prevent a deeper climate crisis. 
  • Who is in office matters.  An underlying belief in science and data must be restored to the highest levels of government in this election cycle.  Our work to elect pro-environmental champions, at all levels, and defeat Trump is as important as ever. We need to protect the congressional California freshman candidates you helped to elect in 2018. They have each advanced through the California primary and are up for re-election in November.  Fortunately, 85% of likely voters are citing the climate crisis as a top priority in the 2020 election.  The public supports environmental leaders who will advance bold climate action.  Winning in November is our first priority so CLCV is letting voters choose leaders that match their values.   However, because of the pandemic, CLCV needs to take additional steps to expand democracy digitally to ensure more voters turn out for the 2020 election, which is why meeting our EMERGENCY DIGITAL FUND’s fundraising goal is so urgent. 

As a vital voice on the environment, I know you share our commitment to ensuring California remains the leader in enacting bold environmental policy that protects public health, which is why I’m reaching out to ask for your support. 

I hope I can count on you to make a special gift today.  Your gift will be matched dollar for dollar until June 21st as we reach for our goal of raising $100,000 for the EMERGENCY DIGITAL FUND. 

My sister Renee Dake Wilson and I have made the first gift of $30,000.  Coupled with support from a group of generous environmental leaders, noted below, we have raised a total of $50,000 in matching funds towards our goal.  Special thanks to: 

Fran Diamond     ♦     David Nahai          Andy Okun         Wendy-Sue Rosen          Rick Zbur

Please consider contributing to help us raise the funds needed for CLCV to maximize our ability in 2020 to protect California’s air, water and community health by electing environmental leaders to public office.

We believe it can be done, with your support. 

Thank you for your consideration. 

With gratitude, 

Glen Dake
CLCV Board Chair 

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We believe that radical change is necessary and only by transforming our political system will we create the opportunity to take bold action on climate change. We elect and cultivate environmental champions, turn election victories into policy wins, hold our lawmakers accountable, and build political power for change. We inspire hope and action and fight for equity and justice for all Californians. We are in the business of changing what’s possible. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.