I'm elated, friend. 

This morning, the Supreme Court blocked the Trump Administration from cruelly putting to end DACA protections for over 800,000 young immigrants who grew up in the United States and call this their home.

From now on when Dreamers say “home is here,” it takes on a whole new meaning.

I'm a first generation Mexican American, daughter of immigrant parents, and I know first hand that immigrants have made our community and country great, and will continue to do so. And it's why I fought so hard to protect Dreamers from deportation as San Diego’s City Council President.

But we also need to be very clear that this decision is not a permanent solution. There's much more work left to do to ensure that Dreamers who call this country home can do so on a permanent basis. In Congress, I look forward to continuing the work done to pass the Dream and Promise Act which would create a pathway to citizenship.

With Trump and the Republicans at the helm, this fight will require all hands on deck. So today, I am asking you to join me in reaffirming your commitment to passing the Dream and Promise Act to provide a clear pathway to citizenship for our dreamers.

Thank you, friend.

La lucha sigue
(the fight continues)
