Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

This is a pivotal moment for our country. Across the nation, people have been galvanized and united in the fight against injustice that Black Americans have long endured. This is especially the case regarding unjust policing and police brutality.

That's why I'm proud to have co-sponsored the Justice in Policing Act, sweeping legislation introduced by Senators Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, as well as members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Join me and the growing number of Americans calling for reform of police tactics, by adding your name as a citizen co-sponsor of the Justice in Policing Act →

Become a Citizen Co-Sponsor

If passed, this critical legislation would:

  • End the use of chokeholds
  • Establish a National Police Misconduct Registry
  • Demilitarize local police departments
  • Ban no-knock warrants for drug-related offenses
  • Create flexibility in the standard for prosecuting violent officers
It's long past due that we took substantive action to end police brutality and unjust policing tactics. This legislation isn't perfect, and one law alone cannot end systemic racism, but it could have a big impact on important issues such as changing use of force reporting and on preventing officers (who have been decertified in one state) from simply moving and being rehired by another agency.

I have spent time marching alongside and listening to Black activists in Delaware, and that's why I decided to sign on as an original co-sponsor of the Justice in Policing Act. Now, I'm hoping you'll join me as a citizen co-sponsor of this critical legislation. Please add your name now!

Thank you,


Become a Citizen Co-Sponsor

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