Warren and Castro endorse Booker!

Donate to Booker’s Get Out The Vote efforts and our work to elect him.

Turn on images to see Elizabeth Warren's endorsement of Charles Booker: Charles Booker is a lifelong Kentuckian who has seen how Mitch McConnell and Washington, D.C. have failed working families. I’m proud to endorse him and join his fight to root out corruption, dismantle systemic racism, and make big, structural change.

NEW POLL: Charles Booker leads
Amy McGrath 44-38!

Turn on images to see Charles Booker.

Call voters from home to Get Out The Vote!

BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren and Julián Castro just endorsed Charles Booker in the Democratic primary to take on Mitch McConnell for U.S. Senate!

And new polling from Data for Progress shows bold progressive Charles Booker up 44-38 over mushy moderate Amy McGrath!

Donate $3 (or $10 if you can) to Charles Booker’s Get Out The Vote efforts and our work to elect him.

And, sign up here to call voters from home this weekend to Get Out The Vote!

-- The PCCC Elections Team


New polling from Data for Progress shows bold progressive Charles Booker up 44-38 over mushy moderate Amy McGrath in the Democratic primary to take on Mitch McConnell for U.S. Senate!

This is shaking up the political world! Booker meets this moment -- unifying voters young and old, Black and White, and urban and rural! He is building the movement needed to take on McConnell -- and win.

Many Kentucky voters are still undecided. So Booker needs our help to reach them by Tuesday's primary! Final decisions about the scale of Get Out the Vote work are being made TOMORROW -- and depend on donations that come in today.

Can you donate $3 (or $10 if you can) to Charles Booker’s Get Out The Vote efforts and our work to elect him?

YES -- I’ll donate RIGHT NOW!

NO -- But I will make Get Out The Vote calls this weekend!

Data For Progress, which did the poll, has been rated among the most accurate this cycle.

State legislator Charles Booker is front and center in the Black Lives Matter protests, campaigning for a Green New Deal and Medicare For All, and closes this final week of campaigning with momentum on his side.

His primary opponent is running on the absurd theory that the best way to defeat Mitch McConnell is to be more pro-Trump. It is not working!

AOC, Bernie, Sunrise Movement, the PCCC, MoveOn, and both major papers in the state endorsed Charles Booker. The Lexington paper wrote:

Turn on images to see this quote: Charles Booker is the only one generating real excitement among young people and old...

Donate $3 (or $10 if you can) to Charles Booker’s Get Out The Vote efforts and our work to elect him.

And, sign up here to call voters from home this weekend to Get Out The Vote!

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team












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PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor's first picture book, I Can Change Everything, teaches kids the power of their imaginations — from changing their socks and shoes to changing the world. Buy it (or any other book) from Powell's using this link, and a portion of your purchase will fund PCCC's organizing!


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