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Dear Advocate,

On Tuesday, I testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the need for transformative policies that promote police accountability and reimagine public safety.

As I said in my testimony, nibbling at the edges of policing reform is not enough. This moment demands a new way forward — and we cannot afford to be distracted. Just this week, the president signed a woefully inadequate executive order on policing. Let's be clear: It was an attempt to shift focus from the dangerous rhetoric and policies he has previously promoted.

Our nation is demanding bold and sweeping action. We have the opportunity now to break the cycle of violence toward Black communities. Advocate, will you call your senators and urge them to make clear that police brutality and violence have no place in America? Any policing bill must include the following eight provisions:
  1.   Create a national necessary standard on the use of force
  2.   Prohibit racial profiling and require robust data collection
  3.   Ban the use of chokeholds and other maneuvers that cut off blood and oxygen
  4.   End militarization of policing
  5.   Prohibit the use of no-knock warrants, especially in drug cases
  6.   Strengthen federal accountability systems
  7.   Create a national police misconduct registry, and
  8.   End qualified immunity
If our leaders are truly committed to ending police violence, they must support real accountability measures to fundamentally change policing culture and invest in Black communities and others hardest hit by overcriminalization.

For the first time in years, we have the momentum to get this right. Don't stay silent. Call your senators today and demand transformative change now.
Vanita Gupta
Thanks for speaking up,
Vanita Gupta's Signature
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