This cardinal tool is the key to helping law enforcement, policy makers, NGOs and all who want to end sex trafficking and prostitution!
Dear Partner,
So often, anti-trafficking efforts are focused solely on going after the pimps and traffickers themselve, or on direct services for victims. These tactics are invaluable and necessary for the complete eradication of sex trafficking, but there is a critical piece that is often missing from the entire puzzle.
Men who buy people for sex provide the revenue stream—and thus the economic motivation—for all prostitution and sex trafficking. Their choice to engage in sex buying is the root of sexual exploitation. Without consumer-level demand, there would be no need for pimps and traffickers. Supply (victims) and distribution (sex traffickers) are symptoms. Demand is the cause.
When the role of demand is ignored, the driving force behind these terrible crimes continues to fuel endless cycles of sexual exploitation. It’s a simple truth: if men stopped buying sex, sex trafficking would disappear.
Demand Forum is a website originally launched in 2013 for the purposes of tracking the different strategies used by various agencies and cities across the United States. The site has been used by more than 250,000 people from all 50 states and 175+ other countries. People visit the website to access information about combating prostitution and sex trafficking—particularly the criminal justice strategies and collaborative programs that have been developed to focus on deterring demand.
Going forward, NCOSE will seek the resources needed to devote substantial time and energy to updating and improving Demand Forum—but we need your help!
June is our fiscal year-end, and what you give today helps us plan our projects and programs for the rest of the year, including Demand Forum.