Dear John xxxxxx,

You were recently invited to participate in CDP's Presidental Race Relations Address Questionnaire, ahead of President Trump's address to the nation this Saturday. Your feedback is critical, and time is running out.

The link below is an access-protected page in order to preserve the integrity of this questionnaire. Begin the questionnaire at:

PLEASE NOTE: The questionnaire will CLOSE Friday, June 19th, before midnight Eastern Time.

Thank you very much for your help.

— CDP Analytics and Reporting

*** Begin Reprint Questionnaire Invitation for Selectee: [email protected] ***
Official Trump Presidential Address
"Race Relations in America"

June 20th, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Saturday, 8pm EDT/5pm PDT

Response Code: PENDING (GENERATE >)     Response Date: PENDING
Details about President Trump's speech are tight-lipped, but we know there are several important issues on citizen's minds.

That's why ahead of President Trump’s monumental speech on race relations this Saturday June 20th, in Tulsa Oklahoma, the CDP Rapid Polling team has been tasked with distributing this urgent Questionnaire and delivering the final results to the White House. You've been hand-selected to participate—please do not share your access link with anyone.

Completing the Questionnaire will take less than 2 minutes, and your feedback is CRITICAL. Thank you for participating.
State of the Union QUESTIONNAIRE


Mission Statement
Paid for by the Committee to Defend The President. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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