Dear John,


Today, Free Speech For People advanced two critical initiatives to defend our democracy and to protect voters during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

  • Presenting our case to abolish super PACs before the U.S. Supreme Court: Free Speech For People has filed a petition for review before the U.S. Supreme Court in our case to abolish super PACs, Lieu v. Federal Election Commission. In March 2010, the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, in the case of v. FEC, unleashed super PACs into our political process. Over the past ten years, big money forces have used super PACs to influence elections; overwhelm the voices of everyday people; defeat public interest laws; and foster political inequality.

With our pathbreaking case, we are presenting for the first time to the Supreme Court the opportunity to end super PAC spending in US elections and restore democracy to the people. 

Click here to learn more about this filing and our case to abolish super PACs!

  • Filing a lawsuit on behalf of the Pennsylvania NAACP to challenge unsafe election rules during a pandemic: Free Speech For People and the law firm Dechert LLP have filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Pennsylvania State Conference of the NAACP challenging a broad range of Pennsylvania election practices as unsafe and resulting in unequal access to the ballot during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Our lawsuit alleges that the state’s insufficient current election practices will result in unsafe voting conditions and abridgment of the right to vote, with particular adverse impacts for voters of color, including African American and Latinx citizens who have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic, in violation of the Pennsylvania Constitution’s guarantees of free and fair elections and equal protection of the law. Our suit seeks immediate injunctive relief, including requiring a minimum number of polling places per population, expansion of voting days, increased access to vote by mail, and use of hand-marked paper ballots for the general election.

    Click here to learn more about our new case to protect Pennsylvania voters!

Because of supporters like you, we are able to carry out this work across the country. Your ongoing support of Free Speech For People makes possible our continued fight to end big money in our elections and to ensure that all voters can safely and securely access the ballot at this critical moment for our democracy. Thank you for standing with us. But the fight is far from over. Can you chip in to help support our work?

Together, we will reclaim our democracy for we, the people.

Thanks for all you do,

Ron Fein

Legal Director, Free Speech For People

Paid for and authorized by Free Speech For People
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