
Tomorrow is Juneteenth, a day when we commemorate the end of slavery in the United States – an especially important day this year as millions of Americans demand the long overdue justice and equality still denied since the close of that dark chapter in our country's history.

But while protestors across our land unite to voice the pain and anger of systemic racism and oppression, how does Donald Trump choose to mark this day? He plans a campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma – which in 1921 was the scene of "the single worst incident of racial violence in American history" where white mobs and private aircraft attacked and destroyed 35 blocks of successful Black-owned businesses and homes in the thriving Greenwood neighborhood, killing as many as 300 Black Americans.

Almost 100 years later, because we fought back in a massive display of national outrage, Trump was forced to move the date of his rally. But that does nothing to heal the decades of systemic racism that he has helped fuel throughout his life, and that have never been addressed with meaningful reforms...that's why we must continue to demand action.

We must keep speaking out. We must continue sending a powerful message to Trump that we condemn his racism and division. And we must send that message so loudly that it will be impossible to ignore. That's why I need 5,000 people to add their voices alongside mine before midnight tonight – and I'm counting on you to be one of them:

Will you add your name now to condemn Donald Trump's racism and division? It's up to each and every one of us to speak out in the face of hatred.

If demeaning Black deaths and history for a self-serving campaign rally wasn't appalling enough, our country is still grappling with a pandemic. Trump and his campaign have stated in advance that neither he nor it will take responsibility if people who attend his rally contract COVID-19.

The number of insults Trump has added to injuries with his rally are too many to count: shamelessly disrespecting Black history and the site of a racist massacre, endangering lives, denying accountability for people's health, relentlessly dividing our country – the list goes on.

This president has always been and continues to be a disgrace. If you have had enough of Trump's racism and division, join me in speaking out right now: Please, sign your name to condemn Donald Trump's racism and division. In a fight this critical, every voice is needed – including yours.

Thank you,


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