NON-PROFIT HOUSING ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA | | | | The Voice of Affordable Housing | |  | | | | Wednesday, August 20 TRUMP REGULATION THREATENS TO INCREASE HOMELESSNESS | | Last week, the Trump Administration decided to move forward with finalizing regulations that target legal immigrants and restrict access to critical housing resources. It could potentially impact almost 26 million non-citizens and their family members nationwide who use or potentially could use vital public supports, such as Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers and Public Housing programs. In response to this cruel proposal, NPH teamed up with the National Low Income Housing Coalition and others to release a joint statement urging swift congressional action to block its implementation. “This dangerous Public Charge rule will force tens of thousands of families to make the impossible choice between having a roof over their heads or maintaining their immigration status. It will exacerbate the poverty and suffering of our most vulnerable and break up our communities," said Pedro Galvao, NPH senior policy manager. | | The No Federal Funds for Public Charge Act, sponsored by Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA), would protect families from this threat by blocking funding of the regulation’s implementation. In the meantime, advocates can support their communities by using California's trusted network of immigration services providers. | | | | | | TAKE ACTION: HOUSING IN THE DEBATES Last month, several presidential candidates talked about affordable housing solutions for the first time ever in a presidential debate. As our issue grows ever more critical, it is essential that we hear from all of the presidential candidates on housing affordability and homelessness. That is why the National Low Income Housing Coalition is urging moderators of the next presidential candidate debate in September to ask the candidates how they would address the nation’s housing and homelessness crisis. By signing their petition, "Our Homes, Our Votes," your organization will be listed by name on a letter that will be sent to moderators of the next presidential candidate debate urging them to ask each candidate how they would address the nation's housing and homelessness crisis. | | | |  | THE 3Ps OF HOUSING WEBINAR SERIES Register | | | WEBINAR, 8/23: PRODUCTION — PRO-DEVELOPMENT, ANTI-DISPLACEMENT HOUSING | | As part of TechEquity Collaborative's 3Ps Housing Webinar Series, "Production — Pro-Development, Anti-Displacement Housing" will provide an overview of how we can build more housing without pushing low-income people out of our communities. Our Executive Director Amie Fishman will discuss the work that NPH and others have been doing to advocate for more housing in historically exclusionary neighborhoods and increase supply and affordability in vulnerable communities. What are the 3Ps of Housing? Housing experts and advocates have identified the main actions we need to take in order to tackle the housing crisis and ensure everyone has a safe, affordable place to call home. They’re called the 3Ps: Protection, Production, and Preservation. Learn more. | | | | UPDATES FROM AROUND THE REGION This summer, NPH Policy Manager Rodney Nickens has been actively engaging regional elected leaders and our partners at MTC/ABAG to secure an updated regional transit-oriented development policy that includes tangible commitments to condition transportation investments on affordable housing delivery. Our top priority is to stem the tide of displacement and ensure that everyone has a place to call home and that low-income communities and communities of color stay and prosper in the Bay Area. We are excited that MTC/ABAG has agreed to continue this discussion this fall, and we'll be sure to keep you informed of the progress on these critical discussions. To learn more or get involved, contact Rodney at [email protected]. | | | ENGAGE: TRAINING AND WORKING GROUP OPPORTUNITIES | | Take advantage of the following opportunities to engage and collaborate with NPH on the housing issues you care about: - Want to dive into critical housing policy and help inform NPH's position on important issues? Then join our Legislative Issues Working Group! The next meeting of the group is Thursday, September 5th at 9:30 AM at NPH's office in San Francisco. You'll hear the latest on NPH's Priority Bills as we head into the Legislature's last week to get bills to the Governor's desk. Join the group and RSVP here.
- Join us for our next Brown Bag on October 24: Sustainable Advocacy – Strategies And Tactics For Voter Engagement In this training, we will explore the successful tactics employed by developers and resident service staff members leading up to the November 2018 election to engage residents.
As a reminder, the August 22 Brown Bag training "Working Together: Developing Supportive Housing to Address Homelessness" has been canceled. Note: Working groups are for NPH members only. Learn how to become a member, or find out the status of your membership by contacting Emmanuel Escamilla at [email protected] | | | LAST CHANCE: SPONSOR THE NPH CONFERENCE AND BE FEATURED IN THE PRINTED PROGRAM! Today is the last day to sponsor the NPH Conference and be included in the printed program! As a Conference sponsor, you'll enjoy free conference passes, exposure to over 1,000 conference attendees, recognition in NPH print and online publications, and more! In addition, your sponsorship directly sustains and supports the critical work ahead to create and advance bold and transformative solutions for affordable homes. We hope we can count on your support to strengthen #OurMovementOurFuture. | | | Just need tickets for the Conference? Purchase ticket today. Interested in volunteering? As a Conference volunteer, you will receive a complimentary guest pass and are encouraged to attend workshops, the keynote, and other day-of programs! Learn more. | | | | MEMBER EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES | | Member Perk! Have an event you'd like to feature in the Bulletin? Send details to [email protected] | | | | 8/23 & 10/11 Northern California Carpenters Regional Council's Women Can Build (WCB) Career Events. Join the NCCRC in Fairfield (this Friday) and in Morgan Hill (October 11) for a hands-on career fair for carpenters, acoustical installers, insulators, pile drivers, modular installers, shinglers, and more. Lunch will be provided and employers present! Contact the Carpenters Training Committee to Register (707) 399-2880 | | 8/29 HLC's Happy Hour and Housing 101 Training. Join the Housing Leadership Council for drinks, snacks, and a brief training on how to advocate for affordable homes in your community. This event is targeted for newcomers interested in learning about the basics of affordable housing and in getting involved but are unsure where to start. Sign Up | | 9/13 EBALDC 44th Annual Gala Celebration. Save the date to celebrate with the East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) 44 years of building healthy, vibrant, and safe neighborhoods, and recognize the achievements of the gala honorees. Tickets and Sponsorships | | 9/27 Christian Church Homes' Annual Gala 2019. Join CCH for this fabulous event, with delicious dining and fine wines, beautiful bay views, dancing, and a chance to mingle with colleagues and friends. Funds raised will help build and preserve much needed affordable senior housing in the Bay Area and beyond. Register | | | 10/18 2020 Housing California Annual Conference Workshop Proposal Deadline. Housing California is now accepting proposals for their 2020 Annual Conference, Our Home, Our Voice, Our California, which will take place April 14-16, 2020 in San Diego. They're looking for innovative, interactive workshop proposals that push the field and consider transformative changes to the way we address challenges in policy and government systems, affordable and supportive housing finance and development, equity and inclusion, community organizing, and strategic communications. Submit a Proposal | | Coalition Corner: 9/5 & 9/10 Plan Bay Area 2050 Webinar Series. In advance of the fall 2019 launch of Plan Bay Area 2050 — the region’s next-generation long-range plan — you are invited to join an upcoming series of webinars: - Looking Ahead: The Vision for Plan Bay Area 2050 (9/5)
- Exploring Public Policy Questions with Models: An Introduction to REMI 2.2, Bay Area UrbanSim 2.0, and Travel Model 1.5 (9/10)
View Details and Sign Up | | Coalition Corner: 9/11 Request for Qualification: Housing Solutions for Health Vendor Pool. To increase Alameda County’s ability to respond to the current homelessness crisis, the Health Care Services Agency (HCSA) is streamlining its procedures for contracting with homeless service and housing providers. HCSA has released a Request for Qualification (RFQ) to establish a pool of vendors that have relevant experience and are interested in contracting with the County to serve people experiencing homelessness. Learn More and Submit a Response | | | | | Thank you for your support for affordable housing. Together, we can build a future where everyone has access to a safe, healthy, affordable home! | | Contact Us Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) 369 Pine St,Ste 350 San Francisco, California 94104 415-989-8160 [email protected] | | | | | | |