Despite the tragic coronavirus pandemic, one silver lining is the heartwarming stories we’ve heard about animal shelters adopting out all their animals, as people are home with time to welcome a furry family member and enjoy the comfort animals bring. That’s news we all can feel good about.
But while the pandemic has led to new homes for many animals in need, it’s also meant an opportunity for the cruel puppy mill industry to profit from the crisis and take advantage of unsuspecting families looking for an animal companion.
Sales of pets from pet stores have been on the rise — and that’s bad news for animals. Most puppies sold in pet stores come from puppy mills, which maximize profits at the expense of the animals they breed and sell. John, this is a critical time to speak out for these animal victims, to refuse to support the puppy mill industry, and tell your friends and family to do the same. Please sign our pledge to boycott puppy mills! |
Dogs in puppy mills are often kept in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions without proper veterinary care or nutrition. Mother dogs bred repeatedly in these conditions produce puppies who suffer from severe health problems, including deadly diseases and congenital defects. Pet stores then sell these sick puppies to consumers who are later heartbroken to discover their beloved new animal companion is ill and in need of expensive and often urgent veterinary care.
Unfortunately, the low standards of care allowed under the federal Animal Welfare Act limit the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s ability to regulate puppy mills, and little is done to ensure humane treatment in intensive breeding facilities. Dogs and puppies often spend their entire lives in cramped, filthy cages. Breeders with multiple violations of the Animal Welfare Act remain licensed year after year. In fact, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, with your help, has at times stepped in to rescue the victims of these operations when law enforcement finally intercedes.
The commercial breeding industry is powerful, but one of the most effective tools we have to shut it down is to eliminate demand for puppies and other animals sourced from breeding mills. You can do your part by joining our boycott. Sign the pledge and remember, if you are looking for an animal companion, there are many loving animals in shelters in need of homes. So please adopt, don’t shop! |
For the animals,
Stephen Wells
Executive Director
This email was sent to [email protected].
© 2020 Animal Legal Defense Fund
525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931 | (707) 795-2533