This is a once in a lifetime moment to transform the way we live, travel and work - tackling the health, climate, nature and economic crises all the same time - and creating a more equal and secure future for us all.


A couple of weeks back The Guardian wrote that Boris Johnson is under pressure to ensure a green recovery in the UK. The Government is being urged to prioritise low-carbon solutions to the economic fallout of coronavirus. This is a once in a lifetime moment to transform the way we live, travel and work - tackling the health, climate, nature and economic crises all the same time - and creating a more equal and secure future for us all.

That’s why we’re building a Green Recovery campaign. We are fighting for a truly Green Recovery like there’s no tomorrow. Are you with us? GIVE NOWThis critical time in history requires our attention. Because, although it’s great to see other parties moving in the right direction, we have to make sure that the recovery we get from this pandemic really is green, fair and transformative. It must be one that overhauls our destructive systems and builds back an economy that works for people, not people working for the economy.

It means building resilient and regenerative communities, health care and food systems. It means not having to choose between keeping our houses warm and feeding our families. It means a roof over every head. And a social security system that lifts every single one of us up.

Can you chip in today so we can make sure that the Green Recovery we need is not one of empty promises but one of real, transformative, decisive action that protects both the planet and people?


Thank you for your support,
Jonathan Bartley

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