From Animal Outlook <>
Subject Black Vegan Activists Changing the World
Date June 18, 2020 5:59 PM
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Check out the work of these amazing Black vegan activists, prepare for Father's Day, and read this NYT op-ed about the dangers of animal farming.

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Black Vegan Activists Changing the World

Looking for some inspiration? This blog ([link removed][UNIQID]) post highlights the amazing work of 12 Black vegan activists building an inclusive and equitable movement for all. Activism comes in many forms, and there's plenty to learn from the remarkable people on this list.

Fun fact
Seahorses are one of the only species in the animal kingdom that experience male pregnancy. Females seahorses deposit up to 1,500 eggs into the male seahorse’s pouch, which they fertilize and incubate for 9 - 45 days until they hatch.
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Happy Vegan Father's Day
Father's Day will be different for everyone this year as we all do our part to flatten the curve. Read our latest blog post ([link removed][UNIQID]) to see how our Director of Marketing Eric Lindstrom will celebrate his vegan Father's Day with his family.

Fun fact

Emperor penguins return to the same place every year to breed. Once the females lay their single egg, the males incubate the eggs for up to 75 days in temperatures that can drop below −30°F. They don't eat or even move for the entire time the females are gone hunting.

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High-Speed Slaughter Endangers Everyone
Slaughterhouse workers rarely speak out for fear of reprisal. But two Tyson employees - one current and one former - raise concerns about the dangers of high-speed slaughter in this New York Times op-ed ([link removed][UNIQID]) .

If you haven't already, sign our petition ([link removed][UNIQID]) to tell the USDA to end their high-speed slaughter program. It's cruel to animals, dangerous to workers, and puts us all at risk by creating conditions that spread COVID-19.

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