Our job is to make sure the next Congress is as progressive as it can possibly be.

Friends -

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to split a $5 contribution between three great New York progressive candidates running in contested congressional primaries with elections next week. Please give me a chance to explain why this request — especially today — is so important.

I know that $5 may not seem like the kind of money that can win three races at once, but these are not campaigns where any candidate has raised obscene amounts of money. These are not races with massive super PACs spending to put their favorite conservative Democrat over the top.

So your $5 will go a VERY long way. And as you read this, thousands of people are adding their own $5 to support Jamaal Bowman, Mondaire Jones, and Samelys López in their primaries next week.

Now they’re hoping you’ll join them, because it all adds up. And if you do, we have a great chance of winning these races and sending three more great progressives to Congress. What do you say?

Can you please split a $5 contribution between Jamaal Bowman, Mondaire Jones, Samelys López and our work electing a progressive Congress that will fight for issues we care about? This is so important.

Our job is to make sure the next Congress is as progressive as it can possibly be. We need to fill its ranks with people who will fight for Medicare for All, a $15 minimum wage, free college and more.

These three races represent one of our best, last chances to do that. And with the primary in just 5 days, this is the moment your contribution matters most.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders