Dear John,

If you saw our announcement last week, you know that Netroots Nation is happening virtually August 13-15. Staying connected as a movement has never been more important, so we've got 150+ hours of interactive content coming direct to your home.

Our 2020 agenda includes content on issues like economic recovery, the upcoming elections, criminal justice reform and tackling white supremacy. And with the election of our lives just around the corner, there will be discussions on how to win up and down the ballot—and how to enact progressive change once we win.

On the training front, you can choose from more than 60 practical trainings on topics ranging from email deliverability and SMS to deep canvassing, podcasting, working remotely and more.

Here is a sampling of our 120+ breakout sessions for 2020 (we'll announce keynotes, featured panels and special events in the coming weeks):

  • Driving Digital Division: Race and Gender in the Fight Against Disinformation
  • #TakeBackTech: Ending Mass Criminalization in the Digital Age
  • Disaster Strategy So White: How a Lack of Inclusivity Harms Recovery Efforts
  • Why Now? The Case for Climate Reparations
  • Guarantees for a Good Life: Income, Housing, Jobs and Family Care
  • The DA Pipeline: Investing in District Attorney Races Across the Country
  • Protecting the Vote: Cybersecurity, Misinformation, and the Aftermath of Iowa
  • Winning is Easy, Governing is Harder: Moving from Electoral Victory to Policy Change
  • From the Brain to the Ballot Box: The Psychology of Effective Messaging
  • Cybersecurity Tips for Progressive Organizations
  • Online Actions that Matter: Strategies for Digital Engagement in the Time of COVID
  • Tech is for Everyone: The Basics of Online Accessibility

We can’t list them all here, so click here to browse all of our selected panels and trainings.

Our virtual event platform allows you to participate live—or watch them after the event is over. COVID-19 may keep us from meeting in person this year, but it can't stop us from organizing, strategizing and learning.

I hope you'll register soon to join us August 13-15!
Mary Rickles
Netroots Nation

PS: Whether we’re meeting in person or virtually, Netroots Nation will continue to uplift voices that are far too often marginalized. This year, 70 percent of our selected speakers are people of color, 70 percent are women, and 30 percent identify as LGBTQ.

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