A huge coalition is launching a major effort to move the U.S. government away from militarism and toward diplomacy.
Sign the petition: Support a U.S. foreign policy that prioritizes diplomacy over militarism.
It's finally time for a fundamental shift in U.S. foreign policy.
The U.S. government is absurdly unprepared for disease pandemics, climate collapse, or even basic non-emergency functions. The resources dumped into countrproductive militarism -- which militarizes local police as a side effect -- are badly needed elsewhere.
The United States currently has more than 240,000 troops outside its borders, doing no more good there than they do when so objectionably deployed on U.S. streets. It is time to end the endless wars and adopt a new approach to international relations, one in which the United States abides by international law.
This progressive shift of foreign policy principles includes: moving money out of the military budget; engaging diplomatically with Iran and North Korea; rejecting discriminatory immigration policies; supporting refugees; and ending support for governments that violate human rights.
Sign the petition: Support progressive U.S. foreign policy principles.
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