When Trump announced he was ending DACA in 2017, my stomach dropped. Then, I was still an undergrad at CUNY, studying public policy so that I could try to help build a system that worked and was fair for all New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status. I had no idea what it would mean for my future—I only knew that, despite being frightened for myself and my fellow Dreamers, we had to fight back.
After so many months of fighting an uphill battle, over 800,000 Dreamers—and nearly one million families across the country—finally have relief.
Since the pandemic started, Dreamers across the U.S. have been on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response. In New York, 9,200 DACA recipients are serving as front line workers, and 1,200 of them are healthcare workers fighting the virus head on.
The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold DACA demonstrates what we’ve known all along—way before the pandemic hit—that Dreamers are essential to the social and economic fabric of this country. We grew up here, and despite hardship, we’ve kept fighting for opportunity, for both ourselves, our families, and our communities.
When SCOTUS announced their 5-4 decision, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. But I know that Trump’s attacks on Dreamers and immigrants won’t stop. Today, we celebrate our victory, and tomorrow, we use our momentum to advocate for a solution that protects and advances opportunity for ALL immigrants, regardless of status.
Thank you standing with me and the thousands of Dreamers who were at risk of losing the only home we’ve ever known. Together, we can win a future that provides opportunity, not just for people like me, but for all New Yorkers.
In power,

Diana Rodriguez
Digital Campaigner