With the results of the June 2nd DC Republican Primary finalized, there are several news names on the ballot this November; running for both the DC City Council and State Board of Education. All eyes now turn to November.
Tonight's town hall is a great opportunity to put those names with a face, and get to know your nominated GOP candidates! We are very excited to host the following for an evening of engaging discussion:
-Ashley Carter MacLeay, DC State Board of Education At-Large Representative & DC GOP Committewoman-Elect
-Marya Pickering, Candidate for DC City Council At-Large
-Nate “Ward 8” Derenge, Candidate for Ward 8 Council seat.
-And moderated the DCYR's very-own, Robert Sinners!
Learn more about their respective backgrounds, their stance on local issues, and how to get involved this election season. Come with your questions ready!
This event will be streamed via facebook live.