The power and importance of independent journalism is not the same for everyone, but for people like you, who support Common Dreams, we hope one thing is clear: this work is only possible because of you.
Imagine people in a newsroom who never have to worry about upsetting some corporate advertiser. Imagine an editorial team that can bring its progressive values and worldview to the office each day. Imagine an outlet that worries about peace and justice, the common good, and the survivability of the planet instead of quarterly earnings, the needs of private equity investors, or a publisher trying to maximize returns.
While the corporate media system lies to its audience day after day, Common Dreams has a different model.
But this model is only possible when many, many individuals come together to give what they can to make sure we have the support to keep going. It’s as simple as that.
Today we launch our Summer Campaign, and we plan to raise every penny possible to make sure we remain an antidote to corporate news and are strong enough to take on the forces that would prefer we didn’t exist.
So can you pitch in right now to support Common Dreams? Yes! Count me in.
What those forces don’t realize, is that we have you—the people. And for that, we thank you.