Five years ago, I rode down the escalator at Trump Tower in New York and launched my 2016 Presidential Campaign.
Here we are on what marks an absolutely HISTORIC day for our movement, and I want to do something so HUGE that even the Do Nothing Democrats and the radical media won't be able to ignore us.
I'm upping our Mid-Month Goal to $15 MILLION! >> For a short time, when you make your NEXT CONTRIBUTION, not only will it be 500%-MATCHED, but you will cement your name in history as an Official 2020 Trump Presidential Founder.
I really need you to step up. This group will be remembered as the heart of our 2020 victory, but we won't win without you.
Contribute ANY AMOUNT by 11:59 PM TONIGHT to become an Official 2020 Trump Presidential Founder and your gift will automatically be 500%-MATCHED. >>  CONTRIBUTE $250 = $1500 CONTRIBUTE $100 = $600 CONTRIBUTE $50 = $300 CONTRIBUTE $42 = $252 CONTRIBUTE ANY AMOUNT I need to know that I can count on you right now, Friend.
We're less than five months out from Election Day, and having you as an Official 2020 Trump Presidential Founder is critical to our success.
I want to know who stood with me when it mattered most. That's why I've asked my team to print off the names of every Patriot who donates to this email.
I'll be reviewing the list TOMORROW, and I want to see your name on it.
Contribute $42 or more before 11:59 PM TONIGHT to become an Official 2020 Trump Presidential Founder and to get on the list my team gives me. >>
Thank you for your unwavering support,
 Donald J. Trump President of the United States CONTRIBUTE $42 = $252