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Subject Showing up to debates is part of Clean Elections
Date June 18, 2020 2:12 PM
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LOGO [[link removed]]Hi John,

Problem: Big money in Maine Politics

Solution: Betsy authored the Clean Elections Act

In 1996, Betsy helped write and pass the Clean Elections Act in Maine to remove the corrupting influence of big money in our state races. The act also requires politicians who accept public money to participate in public debates. But now, Betsy’s running against Sara Gideon, a candidate who has skipped every debate so far, who still won’t answer unscripted questions , and who raises most of her money outside of Maine .

Can you support Betsy’s campaign today and help get big money out of politics? [[link removed]]

Betsy could’ve taken the easy route, John. She could have chased after out-of-state high-dollar donors, but that’s not the person she is nor the Senator we need. Betsy’s running to represent Mainers, not political insiders. She’s not taking corporate PAC money or federal lobbyist money. Hers is a grassroots campaign, and we are all the better for it.

We need a Senator who represents all Mainers. Can you chip in today to help make that happen? [[link removed]]
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Betsy will continue working in Washington for fair elections because she is dedicated to democracy, to getting big money out of politics, and to shifting the focus from corporations and special interest groups back to you : The individual, hard-working American with interests that deserve to be represented both in Maine and in Washington.

Please consider supporting Betsy’s campaign today [[link removed]]

Betsy is the only candidate in the race who supports Medicare for All and the Green New Deal AND can beat Susan Collins. It’s time we stood up to politics as usual – showing how the way forward is with grassroots, people-powered campaigns rather than campaigns run by political insider money and out-of-touch pollsters.

In solidarity,

Team Sweet
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Betsy Sweet for U.S. Senate
PO Box 487
Hallowell, ME 04347
United States
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