Our country is at a tipping point. Top Democrats like Senator Tina Smith are OUT OF CONTROL, and we’re in desperate need to elect strong conservative leaders who will stand up for the American people and say enough is enough.
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Our country is at a tipping point. Top Democrats like Senator Tina Smith are OUT OF CONTROL, and we’re in desperate need to elect strong conservative leaders who will stand up for the American people and say enough is enough. 
In times of crisis, we need leaders to step up and speak for the people they represent. 

Jason Lewis is the conservative leader we can count on to fight for the people of Minnesota. 

We need to unite as a conservative force to support strong leaders like Jason, who stand up to the radical Left trying to abolish the police and divide our country.  Rush a contribution today to help Jason fight back against the unhinged Democrats, and show them that they will never get away with defunding the police. 

First, he drove across Minnesota, hearing from the people and how their small businesses were devastated by the out-of-touch Democrats ill-fated one size fits all shut down policies. 

Then, he sued the state of Minnesota in an attempt to help the people struggling to support their families get back to work.  

Now, Jason is calling out Minnesota’s appointed Senator, Tina Smith, for her silence in the face of calls to defund and abolish the police by the likes of AOC and Ilhan Omar.  
Help Jason continue to stand up to the Minnesota Dems by chipping in today >>>

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Jason stands with our law enforcement, the people of Minnesota, and President Trump.  

The idea of abolishing the police after 500 businesses were burned in Minneapolis is complete lunacy. 

If we don’t do something soon, the radical Left will be pushing this agenda all across the nation. 

Chip in now to help conservatives fight back against the defund the police movement >>>

The people of America want safety. They want law and order. Help us send a message to the Radical left that we will not accept the defunding of police by chipping in now.

Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

This message reflects the opinions and representations of Jason Lewis for Senate. You are receiving this email because you signed up as a member of Jason Lewis for Senate's online community. 

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