Dear John

Firstly, I want to say an extra special thank you for your support over the past few months.

These are unsettling times for all of us, so seeing the Friends of the Earth community come together to keep fighting climate and nature breakdown has given me and my colleagues a real lift. 

We know the current crisis is hitting some people harder than others though, including financially. And that means more people than normal have had to cancel their monthly membership donations to us. 

If you’re able to, please consider becoming a member yourself today. A monthly donation from you will help safeguard our future. And allow us to defend our landmark victory to protect the climate against Heathrow expansion in the courts.

As well as keeping future generations safe from the proposed climate-wrecking third runway at Heathrow, a monthly donation of £3 or more could help us:  

  • Support over 250 community groups through the crisis, including training and resources to keep campaigning.  
  • Make sure taxpayer-funded bailouts put people and planet before the profits of big polluters like oil companies and airlines.  
  • Campaign for a better, greener, fairer future for everyone – including an ambitious strategy to bring back our lost trees.  

If you can’t make a financial commitment right now you can still support us by signing our actions, sharing our posts on social media, listening to our podcast, or joining us at our upcoming webinars.  

But if you are able to help fill the gap left by those who aren’t currently able to donate, we would love to welcome you as a member.  

Thank you again for everything you do, and stay safe.  
Aleanna Shaughnessy   
Supporter relations manager 
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