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Charities that offer "gay conversion therapy" should be investigated and stripped of their charity status if they do not cease the practice, campaigners and politicians have said. We're quoted.
Jean-Marc Sauve, the president of the task force, said 1,500 clergy and church officials are thought to have carried out sexual abuse on minors over the last 70 years.
A landmark Supreme Court ruling in favour of LGBT workers Monday injected fresh uncertainty into President Trump's aggressive efforts to maintain the support of evangelical voters for his reelection campaign.
A death row inmate has been given a temporary reprieve after arguing his religious rights were being violated as a chaplain could not be in the execution chamber.
The death of an Egyptian gay rights activist who spent three months in jail after raising a Pride flag at a concert has prompted a rare outbreak of sympathy in a country noted for its hostility to "alternative lifestyles".
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