Update from the Taxpayers' Union

Dear Supporter,

Photo of slide

Last year, Parliament's Speaker Trevor Mallard announced the opening of an "architecturally-designed" playground on Parliament's front lawn.

Until just recently, the Taxpayers' Union were the only ones asking questions about the cost. We had a source telling us the cost was a cool half-million dollars of taxpayer money.

The playground is basically just a slide and some stepping stones, but it made a great photo-op for the Government's kid-friendly image.

This week we learned that the Speaker blew out his original budget of $400,000 to an even more incredible $572,000.

That included landscaping, engineering fees, architectural services, and the cost of the slide itself.


The poster above is an example of the type of advertising we're planning for this year's election. We want every New Zealander to be thinking of Government waste as they cast their vote on September 19.

Will you chip in to our election war chest?

If the Government can't install a slide without going $172,000 into the red, how badly will it screw up multi-million dollar projects like SkyPath, or multi-billion dollar ones like Auckland's rail link? 

In better times, Trevor Mallard's slide might be funny. During an economic crisis, it's a disturbing monument to government waste.

Public debt is set to reach $109,000 per household in 2024. Taxpayers can't afford more blowouts on political vanity projects.

Click here to help expose the politicians who waste your money  and ensure there is a strong voice for taxpayers to hold the politicians to account.

Thank you for making the campaign for less government waste possible.


Jordan Williams
Executive Director
New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union

PS. Can you imagine Trevor's slide on a 10-metre billboard? If enough New Zealanders chip in, we can make it happen! Click here to donate.

Authorised by The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union Inc. Level 4, 117 Lambton Quay, Wellington.