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Hi John,

The past few months have proven how powerful online spaces are for movement building and social change. Even though many of us have been staying home and restricting physical contact during the pandemic, we've come together online, joining forces to uphold the Black Lives Matter movement and insist on a structural overhaul of policing nationwide.

Physical distancing hasn't stopped activists from sharing resources, writing calls to action, making art, and looping their networks into mass advocacy. We may be in the midst of a pandemic, but we're also in the midst of a massive, historic movement against anti-Black racism. Powerful digital tools, such as social media, phone cameras, and email, have channeled the collective anger and grief experienced by Black communities and their allies into a collective call for police accountability and structural social change.

Inspired by the current movement, we're excited to announce that this summer we're moving our Communities in Action advocacy workshops online, and restructuring the content with a focus on digital advocacy and internet movements. Our Communities in Action: Digital Organizing Series will be a free, four-part workshop that provides you with the tools you need to successfully organize your community and advocate for anti-poverty policy using digital tools such as social media, texts, email, and video. 
















This series of workshops will be held entirely online, using the video-conferencing app Zoom. The total workshop spans four Saturdays in a row, two hours each Saturday. We encourage you to attend all four, as the material presented at each one will build off previous trainings. The series is free of charge, and is open to anyone regardless of location or experience. 

Training Schedule

Saturday, July 11, 10 AM – 12 PM : An Introduction to Poverty Action
Saturday, July 18, 10 AM – 12 PM : Power & Privilege in Anti-Poverty Organizing
Saturday, July 25, 10 AM – 12 PM : Speaking Truth to Power (Why Your Story is a Critical Organizing Tool)
Saturday, August 1, 10 AM – 12 PM : The Legislative Session: Organizing in Action

We hope you'll be able to join us! Please sign up ahead of time, as space is limited.

Click here to register.