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2020 is shaping up to be a tumultuous year.

It’s never been clearer that we need to remove Nancy Pelosi from the Speaker’s office for her failed leadership.

We have a special message from Senator Todd Young about our plan to make that happen:


Are you ready to help us fire Speaker Pelosi once and for all?

We have a battleground race right here in Indiana. Victoria Spartz needs our help to win in the 5th Congressional District if we have any hope of flipping the House RED this November.

With fundraising numbers finalized in our end of quarter report on June 30, we need to make a strong showing to send the message that Hoosiers aren’t going to stand idly by for business as usual in Washington.

Will you please rush a donation of $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or what you can now, if you agree with Senator Young that it’s time to fire Speaker Pelosi for good?

We’re going to get through this trying time. We’re going to elect a new conservative majority, and flip the House for the GOP.

Your support will be critical to our success in 2020. If you’re able, we hope to have your immediate support today.


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Thank you,
The Indiana Republican Party


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