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Dear NCRC members and allies,

In honor of Pride Month, please join NCRC tomorrow, June 18 at 1 PM ET, for our Just Economy Session, LGBTQ+ Life After COVID-19: Assessing Risk, Response and Recovery.
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  • Puneet Cheema, Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal
  • Sean Coleman, Executive Director, Destination Tomorrow
  • Karen Kali, Senior Program Manager, NCRC
  • Sydney Kopp-Richardson, Director of the National LGBT Elder Housing Initiative, SAGE
  • Sayief Leshaw, Program Manager, Stonewall Community Development Corporation
  • Jake Lilien, Compliance Program Manager, NCRC
This session will cover a broad range of subjects related to the LGBTQ+ community, and what measures can be taken to help the community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. What protections are needed to help LGBTQ+ people find safe housing in the age of social distancing? What does economic recovery mean for the queer community, and what steps should be taken to promote inclusivity? What roles can government agencies, nonprofit organizations, lenders and other community stakeholders take on to help at-risk populations?

Additionally, given the recent protests across the country around police brutality and policing, we will explore the history of policing of LGBTQ+ people, discriminatory policies and police response in instances where public health structures have failed.

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