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MASSIVE changes are coming for the U.S. dollar...

Changes that could destroy your wealth AND your autonomy...

And because of the coronavirus outbreak, they could start unfolding sooner than anyone expects.

Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard admitted that the central bank is working on a digital currency to replace the dollar based on blockchain technology.

You’ve undoubtedly heard of blockchain. It’s the “engine under the hood” that powers Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. You probably also know that one of the most attractive features of cryptocurrencies is their “decentralization.”

They’re not under the control of banks or other governing bodies. Users can perform transactions anonymously and securely.

What does that have to do with the dollar?


This central bank digital currency (CBDC) will make the dollar obsolete. Physical cash nor the electronic dollars that currently exist in bank accounts will no longer be legal tender.

But, this one asset can protect your wealth.

Of course, they’ll put a positive spin on this... because the CBDC would solve many issues the government currently struggles to keep in check.

For example, it would be impossible to counterfeit or launder. It couldn’t be used to fund terrorism or buy illegal drugs.

In many ways, the CBDC sounds like a dream. But the reality is far more sinister.

The CBDC could also be used to track everything you buy or sell… all the income you earn.

What’s more, each “Fedcoin" could be flagged for specific use. Meaning the government would be able to control what you spend your money on -- even when your funds would be available for these purchases.

Your privacy and freedom of economic choice would be gone.

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This isn’t a far off scenario, either.

In fact, the phasing out of the dollar has been in the works for years. And the coronavirus pandemic gave the government a perfect scapegoat to initiate the transition into a digital currency.

When COVID-19 began pounding the economy, Congress put together a massive stimulus package. The original version of the stimulus bill, presented by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, called for the creation of a ‘digital dollar’ and the establishment of ‘digital dollar’ wallets.

This was proposed as a way to guarantee every eligible American would receive their stimulus payment.

According to an FDIC report, 63 million people are “unbanked and underbanked” in the U.S. They represent $100 billion in stimulus money that families in need wouldn’t be able to access. That’s how our leaders are selling the new digital currency.

Now COVID-19 has given the Fed a second justification for going “digital.”

Millions of Americans are flocking to this safe-haven asset for protection.

The World Health Organization recently sparked public concerns by saying that the virus could be easily transmitted by cash.
New research from the Bank for International Settlements shows that this fear could accelerate the adoption of CBDC to usher in the age of fully “contactless” payments.

A second wave of the coronavirus later this year could be scary enough to convince the population to accept this dollar replacement. Politicians could use the crisis to push the agenda forward with or without public approval.

What does this mean for you? Three things:

  1. You can anticipate heavy volatility as the Fed prepares to upend the entire monetary system. Replacing the dollar with a government-controlled cryptocoin would likely be a bumpy ride.

  2. Americans will flock to physical gold as a hedge against volatility... and to protect their liberty and privacy. Demand for gold could soar like never before.

  3. As a result, the price of gold could skyrocket overnight.

Analysts are already forecasting the yellow metal’s price to climb another 70% in the coming months. The announcement of a CBDC and the subsequent increase in demand could create massive upside.

Right now is a critical time to consider buying gold.

Gold has historically been a phenomenal store of value. Savvy investors have always relied on it to protect their portfolios against volatility and risk. It has also performed well as an appreciating asset, too.

With an uncertain economy… an obviously overvalued stock market… and the potential destruction of the dollar, it’s a perfect time to take advantage of the wealth-preserving power of gold.

And you may never have another chance to “future-proof” your portfolio at such low prices.

Click now here to get details about protecting your wealth AND your privacy with gold.


david buchanan

David Buchanan
Head of Client Success
American Hartford Gold Group

P.S. And the United States isn’t the only country moving toward digital currencies. 80% of the world’s central banks are looking into developing CBDCs. China has already rolled out their digital yuan in 4 cities as a pilot program. The Fed has stated they do not want to fall behind. CBDC could become reality here in the U.S. in the very near future.

There’s no time to waste. Discover how gold can help you protect yourself and your family.

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