Dear Friend,

Turn out for a socially distant rally at Freedom Plaza to demand that the DC council invest $30 million in excluded workers! Together we're going to take a stand for excluded workers.

Excluded Workers Rally

Monday, June 29
9 AM – 10:30 AM

Freedom Plaza
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Excluded workers are undocumented residents, day laborers, sex workers, street vendors, returning citizens, and other workers in the informal economy who have all been locked out of unemployment benefits and other cash assistance. Organizations can sign on to the letter here.

We stand together. Don’t exclude me.

In solidarity,
DC Jobs With Justice

PS. We are pleased to share with you our statement on this week's Supreme Court decision  ending LGBT discrimination in the workplace. Here's an excerpt:

We affirm that Black Lives Matter and center the precarity of the lives of Black trans women. We hold of up the names of Ashanti Carmon and Zoe Spears, two Black trans women who were murdered this year just outside of Washington, DC. On this 51st anniversary of the Stonewall riots and in pride month, we recognize that it is the fearless organizing and visibility of and by trans and queer people of color that have led us to this moment.

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